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All Headlines & Press Releases

Jan 24, 2019

LULAC President Delivers a Message To The White House

Nation’s Oldest and Largest Civil Rights Organization Defends Government Workers and Dreamers

Jan 24, 2019

Open Letter Domingo Garcia Meets With White House

To My Beloved and Respected LULAC Familia, Today I am going into the White House and ask for your prayers and support. I know that my words and actions will reflect upon you also...

Jan 23, 2019

LULAC To Meet With White House On Behalf Of 58-Million Latinos

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Civil Rights Organization To Tell Administration: Open Up the Federal Government & Offer a Real Starting Point

Jan 21, 2019

LULAC Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & His Fight For Justice

Celebrating the Example of Selfless Service as a Fearless Voice for the Oppressed and Steadfast Leader for Civil Rights

Jan 19, 2019

LULAC Supports Advancing The Debate To End Deadlock

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Civil Rights Organization Tells Administration and Congressional Leaders Temporary Solutions Are Not Good Enough

Jan 18, 2019

LULAC Iowa Calls For Rep. Steve King’s Immediate Resignation

DAVENPORT, IOWA – After many years of hateful, divisive and racist statements, Steve King has finally been officially reprimanded by our nation’s leaders.

Jan 17, 2019

LULAC Stands With LA Educators

Washington, DC - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) stands in strong solidarity with Los Angeles teachers and staff in their struggle for social justice through quality education...

Jan 16, 2019

U.S. Representative Steve King Must Go Now!

Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Says King is a Repeat Offender Who Sees Nothing Wrong In His Racist Statements

Jan 15, 2019

LULAC: 2020 Census No Place for Citizenship Question

Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Applauds Ruling Blocking Efforts by Trump Administration to Distort Census Count

Jan 11, 2019

Trump visita la frontera e insiste: “México pagará el muro”

NODAL - Noticias de América Latina y el Caribe.

“No necesitamos ningún muro en la frontera, lo que necesitamos son más puentes. Esta acción de cerrar el Gobierno, afectando a más de 800.000 trabajadores, es solo una táctica del presidente para tener una victoria política y usar a nuestra comunidad latina como una piñata. No se vale y no se va a permitir”, dijo a Efe Domingo García, presidente de la Liga de Ciudadanos Latinos Unidos (LULAC).

Jan 9, 2019

Trump’s Humpty-Dumpty Wall is Not a Solution

Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Says Experts & Facts Disprove President’s Claim on Border Security

Dec 20, 2018

LULAC Leads the Way in Historic Criminal Justice Reform Success

Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Persevered Working Behind the Scenes with Texas Senator John Cornyn

Dec 19, 2018

LULAC Endorses Landmark Bill Heading To President’s Desk

Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Helps Craft Historic Bipartisan Measure Against Human Trafficking

Dec 11, 2018

LULAC Supports a Comprehensive Bipartisan Agreement

Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Favors Linking Border Security to Other Major Immigration Issues Facing Latinos

Dec 10, 2018

Ramiro Robles

This is to inform you of the passing on Sunday, December 9, 2018 in El Paso, Texas of a valued and dear friend of LULAC, Ramiro Robles, husband of Belen Robles, our former National President.

Dec 1, 2018

LULAC Remembers a Friend: President George H.W. Bush

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Civil Rights Organization & America’s 41st President Achieved Progress Together for Latinos