LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information


Presenting Sponsor—$75,000+

The Presenting sponsorship of the LULAC National Legislative Conference and Awards Gala is limited to one partner per industry and includes a customized sponsorship-marketing plan, tailored to your needs.
• Legislative Conference Title Sponsor listing as “presented by” in customized marketing materials such as, event website, conference signage, e-mails, a press release, and other marketing materials
• Company Representative Introduced as Legislative Conference Diamond Sponsor at the Awards Gala & Closing Reception to provide brief remarks.
• Two Reserved VIP tables for ten at Awards Gala & Legislative Luncheon, premier placement
• A 60 second Commercial Video Spot to be played during Awards Gala
• Co-Sponsorship of the General Pre-Gala & Closing Receptions
• Twenty Full Corporate Registration Packages
• Twenty tickets for pre-gala VIP reception & closing reception
• Company logo prominently displayed throughout the legislative conference
• Company recognition in the event program
• Company logo highlighted on legislative gala website & in conference marketing materials


• Legislative Conference Diamond Sponsor listed on signage and select e-mails
• Company Representative Introduced as Legislative Conference Diamond Sponsor at the Awards Gala to provide brief remarks.
• One Reserved VIP table for ten at Awards Gala & Legislative Luncheon, premier placement
• One Reserved table for ten at Awards Gala & Legislative Luncheon for Students & Leadership
• A 30 second Commercial Video Spot to be played during Awards Gala
• Co-Sponsorship of the General Pre-Gala Reception
• Ten Full Conference Corporate Registration Packages & Ten pre-gala VIP reception tickets
• Company logo prominently displayed throughout the legislative conference
• Company recognition in the event program & company logo on gala website


• Legislative Conference Platinum Sponsor
• Company Representative Introduced as Legislative Conference Platinum Sponsor at the Awards Gala to provide brief remarks
• One Reserved VIP table for ten at Awards Gala & Legislative Luncheon, premier placement
• One Reserved table for ten at Awards Gala for Emerge Latino Students & LULAC Leadership
• A 30 second Commercial Video Spot to be played during Luncheon
• Ten Full Conference Corporate Registration Packages & Ten pre-gala VIP reception tickets
• Company logo prominently displayed throughout the legislative conference
• Company recognition in the event program & company logo on gala website


• Legislative Conference Gold Sponsor
• Podium recognition by emcee of company official as Gold conference sponsor
• One Reserved VIP table for ten, premier placement, at Awards Gala
• One Reserved VIP table for ten, premier placement, at Legislative Luncheon
• Ten Full Conference Corporate Registration Packages & Ten pre-gala VIP reception tickets
• Company logo prominently displayed throughout the legislative conference
• Company recognition in the event program & company logo on gala website


• Legislative Conference Silver Sponsor
• One reserved VIP table for ten, premier placement, at Awards Gala
• Five full Corporate Registration Packages
• Company logo displayed at Legislative Awards Gala
• Company recognition in the event program
• Company logo highlighted on legislative gala website


• Legislative Conference Bronze Sponsor
• One Reserved table for ten highlighting company name at the Awards Gala
• Three Full Corporate Registration Packages
• Company name displayed during Awards Gala
• Company recognition in the event program
• Company name listed on legislative gala website

Additional Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Luncheon Sponsor—$35,000+

• Opportunity for company representative to provide brief remarks at the luncheon
• One Reserved VIP table for ten, highlighting company name at the luncheon
• One Reserved VIP table for ten, highlighting company name at the gala
• 10 Full Legislative Conference Corporate Registration Packages
• Ten tickets for pre-gala VIP reception
• Opportunity to show a 30 second commercial during luncheon
• Company logo prominently displayed throughout the conference as luncheon sponsor
• Opportunity to distribute giveaways at luncheon
• Company logo highlighted on legislative conference web site

Panel Sponsor—$15,000+

Sponsor for an issue briefing
• Introduce panelists for the policy issue – 3 minute remarks
• Signage at the event and opportunity to distribute promotional materials
• Sponsor recognition during the panel

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

• Conference Program Book $10,000 • Conference App $10,000 • VIP Reception $20,000 • President’s After Party $20,000 • Shuttle Transportation $15,000 • Conference Web Site $10,000 • Press Room $10,000 • Premium Promotional Item $5,000

For sponsorship opportunities please contact: Alejandro Mora, Development Associate at or by calling 202-833-6130 x125


2018 LULAC National Legislative Conference and Gala Inserts

Mail the agreement to: LULAC National Office; 1133 19th Street, NW, Suite 1000; Washington, DC 20036 or FAX (202) 833-6135
Make check payable to: LULAC Legislative Conference & Awards Gala.
Contributions to the legislative conference & awards gala are not tax deductible as a charitable Contribution, but may be deductible as a business expense

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