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Thursday, April 11
11:00 am to 12:30 pm Press Conference…………………………………………….Bahia 2
LULAC National President Margaret Moran
LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes
LULAC National Vice President for Women Elsie Valdes
Special guest:
Corporate partners and municipal agencies

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Committee Work Group Meeting………………………Sol Boardroom
Points of contact: Maritza Bosques, LULAC National Executive Assistant/ Office Manager
Myrna Vega/ Jose Lugo, LULAC Puerto Rico Council members

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Women’s Commission Meeting………………………..Bahia 1-2
Point of contact: Elsie Valdes, LULAC National Vice President for Women

Friday, April 12
8:00 am to 9:00 am Tyson Foods. Inc. Donation at the Convention Center
Nora Venegas, Director of Government Affairs, Tyson Food, Inc.
Vivian Mercado, Walmart Puerto Rico;
Points of Contact: Hector Gabea/ Marcelino Cruz, LULAC Puerto Rico Council members
Special guests: Corporate partners and municipal agencies

1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Silent Auction Set-up………………....................Paseo San Juan Foyer
Points of contact:
Ana Estrada, LULAC National Vice President for Youth
Brenda Estrada, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Carmen E. Cruz, former LULAC Puerto Rico State Director
San Juanita Gonzalez, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner

12:30 pm to 4:00 pm Early Registration…….……………....................Paseo San Juan Foyer
Points of contact:
Carolina Muñoz, LULAC National Chief Financial Officer
Elizabeth Quiñones, Puerto Rico Legal Advisor
Aida Fernandez, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner

1:00 pm to 6:00 pm Exhibits Set-up…………………………………Paseo San Juan Foyer
Points of contact:
Silvia Perez, LULAC National Corporate & Federal Relations Director
Gina Sierra, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Ricardo García/María Malavé /Marie Calvo/ LULAC Puerto Rico Council members

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Welcome Reception………………………………..San Juan Salones 4-5
Points of contact:
Sonia Jimenez, LULAC Puerto Rico State Secretary
Liliana Rañón, LULAC National Director of Policy & Legislation
Ulises Gonzalez, LULAC National Civic Engagement Manager
Sponsors: Sheraton Hotel, LULAC National Women’s Commission, LULAC National
Emmce: Çordelia González, Univision Puerto Rico
Welcome Remarks:
Ivonne Quinones-Lanzo, LULAC Puerto Rico State Director
Elsie Valdés Ramos, National Vice President for Women
Greetings from Corporate Sponsors:
Jose Ruano, Manager Multicultural Relations, MillerCoors LLC
Elizabeth C. Berman, President, Continental Food and Beverage
Viviana Mercado de Gil de Lamadrid, Corporate Affairs Manager, Walmart Puerto Rico
LULAC National President Margaret Moran
LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes
Honorable Aníbal Vega Borges, Mayor of Toa Baja
Mrs. Alba O’Neill, First Lady of Guaynabo
Jason Riveiro; Multicultural Marketing Manager, Paint Stores Group, The Sherwin-Williams Company;
Special guest: Corporate Partners and Municipal officials

Technology Center equipment donation

Saturday, April 13
7:00 am to 9:00 am Registration……………………………...............Paseo San Juan Foyer
Points of contact:
Carolina Muñoz, LULAC National Chief Financial Officer
Sandra Caraveo, LULAC National Fiscal Assistant
Lidia Cervantes, LULAC National Administrative Assistant
Aida Fernández, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Anna Olivera, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Norma Hiraldo, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Magda Carrión, LULAC Puerto Rico Council member

7:00 am to 3:00 pm Exhibits and Silent Auction………......................Paseo San Juan Foyer
(Free admission)
Points of contact:
Silvia Perez, LULAC National Corporate & Federal Relations Director
Reverend Abdiel Martinez, LULAC Puerto Rico State Vice President
Student Volunteers: Universal Foundation, CASA Project

8:00 am to 8:30 am Ribbon Cutting ……….........................................Paseo San Juan Foyer
Points of Contact:
Berta Urteaga, LULAC National Vice President for the Elderly
Elena Viera, LULAC Vice President for Youth
Ada Guzman, LULAC Puerto Rico Council member
Performance by Mariachi Puerto Rico
LULAC National President Margaret Moran
LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes
Special Guests, Cooperate Partners and elected officials
Emcee: Elsie Valdés Ramos LULAC National Vice President for Women

8:30 am to 9:30 am Breakfast, Recognition of Community Leaders and Welcome * *Ticketed event …………………………………………………….San Juan Salons 4-5
Points of Contact:
Laura Flores, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Sara Clemente, Director of Federal Affairs
Emcee: Ralina Cardona LULAC New York State Director
Connie Martinez, LULAC National Women’s Commission Secretary
Elsie Valdez, LULAC National Vice President for Women,
LULAC National President Margaret Moran,
LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes,
National Anthem: Ralina Cardona, LULAC National Special Assistant for Multicultural Relations// Esther Degraves-Aguiñaga, LULAC National Vice President for the Northeast
Pledge: Haydeé Rivera, LULAC Puerto Rico former State Director
Reflection: Lupe Torres, LULAC National Chaplain/Sergeant-At-Arms
Speaker Remarks:
Dineen García, Vice President, Diversity Strategies, Macy’s, Inc
Laura Berrocal, Vice President of Public Policy and Hispanic Affairs, Net Communications
Nora Venegas, Director-Federal Government Relations, Tyson Foods Inc.
Ms. Lillian Rodríguez López, Director, Latin Affairs, the Coca-Cola Company
Announcement of women receiving recognition
Keynote Speakers:
Nydia Ivelisse Rivera, First Lady of Toa Baja
The Honorable Marco Antonio Huerta Sánchez, Deputy Consul General of Mexico in San Juan, Puerto Rico
The Honorable Héctor O'Neill, Mayor of Guaynabo

9:30 am to 9:40 am…………………………………………………………………...............Break

9:40 am to 10:30 am……………………………………………………..Concurrent Workshops
Points of contact:
Liliana Rañón, LULAC National Director of Policy & Legislation
Ulises Gonzalez, LULAC National Civic Engagement Manager
Charlie Rodríguez, former Senate President, Senate of Puerto Rico

Challenges for Latinas in Achieving Educational Excellence
9:40 am to 10:30 am…………………...................................................................San Juan Salon 1
Significant disparities in education for Latino students when compared to their white counterparts continue to yield alarming achievement gaps across all levels of education. The National Center for Education Statistics has found only 83 percent of White students graduate High School, while only 72.4 percent of Latino students reach High School graduation. The achievement gap is even larger in higher education, with the Pew Research Center finding that out of all of the Bachelor’s degrees conferred in 2010, over 70% of them went to White students. In comparison, only 9 percent of those year’s degrees were received by Hispanics. This workshop will address the consequences of poor funding systems, lack of information resources, training and capacity from local school systems, and the dialogue policy leaders and education advocates are working in to advance meaningful reform to help improve the overall educational attainment and future career success of Latinas students.
Moderator: Maggie Rivera, LULAC National Vice President for the Midwest
Dr. Odette Piñeiro, former Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Education
Luis Torres, LULAC National Director of Education Policy

The Health Status of Puerto Rican Women: Opportunities, Challenges & Resources
9:40 am to 10:30 am…………………................................................................San Juan Salon 2-3
Even though Puerto Rico ranks well in certain health indicators, such as having the lowest rates of adult smokers, high levels for multiple measures of preventative care and has one of the highest rates of health insurance, Puerto Rico continues to faces many health challenges. Today the death rates for diabetes, influenza and pneumonia in Puerto Rico are among the highest in the United States. The territory ranks at the bottom of all jurisdictions for several health risk factors including rates of physical inactivity, high blood pressure and daily consumption of five or more fruits and vegetables. Additionally, Puerto Rico has ranked in the top ten AIDS case rates among all states and territories, which an HIV death rate higher than any U.S. State or territory. This workshop will address the disparities in the health habits and quality health care access of the Puerto Rican community, including higher incidence of illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity, as well as partaking in a discussion on how HIV/AIDS prevention can be reached and how to continue to work on getting HIV infected individuals treatment.
Moderator: Patricia Roybal Caballero, LULAC National Parliamentarian
Patricia Otón, Presidenta de la Junta Directiva de PROFAMILIA
Angelica Ramirez, Regional Resource Coordinator, Region II, Department of Health & Human Services
Ricki Rosello, Profesor, Universidad de Puerto Rico (invited)

Latina Civil Rights: Embracing the Legal System
9:40 am to 10:30 am…………………................................................................San Juan Salon 8
Latinos encounter with law enforcement agencies and the legal system who are often unaware of their civil rights. Whether it is their right to an attorney, recognizing voter suppression, the right to not consent to unreasonable searches and seizures, or the avenues to proceed with filing a complaint, Latinos are often unfamiliar with the appropriate resources available to them. This panel will provide participants with the knowledge and resources to know what their rights are if they feel abused or discriminated against. Furthermore, the panel will discuss how advocates can better communicate with the public to inform them of their inherent rights.
Moderator: Charlie Rodriguez, former Senate President, Senate of Puerto Rico
Baldomero Garza, LULAC National Vice President for the Southwest and LULAC National Commission on Civil Rights Chair
María Ortiz, The Office of Women's Advocacy/Women's Rights Legal Office/Women's Advocate Office
José Garriga Picó, former Senator of Puerto Rico

Equal Pay for Equal Work: From the EEOC to Lilly Ledbetter
9:40 am to 10:30 am…………………................................................................................San Juan Salones 6-7
LULAC believes in the principle of equal opportunity for all. A diverse, fair, and equal workforce brings different capabilities, experiences, and skills to the table that adds value to an organization. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces federal law that makes it illegal to discriminate against individual because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability or genetic information; nonetheless disparities are still seen today. The American Association of University Women estimate Latinas earned 60 cents for each dollar earned by white men in 2011. Additionally, the median weekly earning for Latinas stands just above $500, while white women earn just above $700. As Latino employment continues to grow faster than any other major racial group in the United States, and business created by Latino entrepreneurs continue to outpace those created by other communities, it is imperative to engage in a discussion about the future of employment and labor opportunities for Latinos. During this workshop learn how to recognize discrimination and how to become a self-advocate for equal opportunity in the workplace.
Moderator: Itzamar Peña, Senator, Senate of Puerto Rico
Panelist: William Sanchez, Director, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of PR

10:30 am to 11:20 am……………………………………………………Concurrent Workshops

Cultivating Latina Talent for Tomorrow
10:30 am to 11:20 am…………………............................................................San Juan Salons 2-3
The LULAC Youth & Collegiate Symposium is designed to familiarize attendees with the many opportunities that exist in the Federal government & Corporate America and to create a pipeline of talent for tomorrow. It also looks to cultivate students through the influencers (parents, teacher and/or guidance counselors) and their peers. The realities of a rapidly retiring workforce and the growth of the Latino population require agencies & companies to reach out to audiences who can assist them with their missions and business. Students and recent graduates are ideally positioned to begin their career by continuing higher education; taking advantage of internships, Student Employment Programs, scholarships and fellowship opportunities. Getting them started in these positions will provide economic empowerment and greatly assist agencies and companies with their human resources needs.
Moderator: Josefina Ruiz, LULAC National Youth President Panelists:
Sara E. Clemente, Director of Federal Affairs, LULAC National Office
Dineen Garcia, Vice President, Diversity Strategy, Macy’s, Inc.

Salud es Vida: Better Living through Health and Fitness
10:30 am to 11:20 am………………….................................................................San Juan Salon 1
Proper nutrition and healthy diets have become increasingly important as the rate of obesity and diabetes among Latinos has climbed at alarming rates over the past 10 years. In addition to eating healthy foods and doing physical exercise, obtaining useful health information and resources is just as important. This workshop will discuss the importance of proper nutrition and why a healthy diet is increasingly important for our community. In addition, steps families can take to promote healthy living through the use of government programs will be discussed—such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which helps low-income households purchase healthier food; Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) which helps provide health services to pregnant, breastfeed, postpartum women, and infants; and Spanish Language Dietary Guidelines (including MiPiramide) which make it easier for Latinos to find information on nutrition and healthy habits.
Moderator: Lorna Soto, former Senator of Puerto Rico
Aracelis López, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office Food and Nutrition Service, USDA
Elsie D’Acosta, Medical Doctor, Specialization in Geriatrics

Latinos United for Immigration Reform
10:30 am to 11:20 am…………………............................................................San Juan Salons 6-7
This year LULAC has been at the forefront of advocating and mobilizing support for comprehensive immigration reform. As the momentum for real change in the American immigration system continues to grow after the substantial Latino turnout in support of President Obama, it is imperative to remind our policy makers we voted for immigration reform and expect tangible results in return. LULAC realizes that this issue does not just affect Americans, but everybody in the United States. In addition to Brent Wilkes, Executive Director for LULAC National, discussing how LULAC has been working with LULAC members at the national and local levels on immigration reform, a representative from the Dominican Republic will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities for immigration reform in Puerto Rico.
Moderator: Rosa Rosales, LULAC National Immediate Past President
Brent Wilkes, LULAC National Executive Director
Hector Sanchez, Chair, National Hispanic Leadership Agenda
Dr. Hernan Padilla, former Mayor of San Juan
Evangelina Felix Santana, Vice Consul of the Consulate General of the Domincan Republic in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Working with Communities of Faith
10:30 am to 11:20 am…………………................................................................................San Juan Salón 8
Communities of faith are an integral part of the Latino community, especially when faith leaders are committed to educating and encouraging congregants to engage in community service and other advocacy efforts. Latino faith communities participate in national conversations in a number of ways from providing shelter, food or clothing to advocating, educating and mobilizing neighborhoods. At this workshop, faith leaders will discuss the ways they are working to address the aforementioned social issues. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with these faith leaders and learn how they can get involved in these efforts.
Moderator: Norma Hiraldo, LULAC National Women’s Commissioner
Reverend Carmen Cabrera, Iglesia Cristiana Hapillo
Kimmey Raschke, former Senator of Puerto Rico
Reverend Nahina Aláverez, Christian Church, Bayamón, Puerto Rico

11:20 am to 12:10 pm……………………………………………………Concurrent Workshops

Empowering Latinas with Technology
11:20 am to 12:10 pm…………………................................................................................San Juan Salones 2-3
LULAC is committed to bridging the technological divide among Latinas by committing resources and providing community programming that focuses on educational excellence, leadership development, and job training services to improve employment opportunities. Leading Latina women on the panel will discuss how technology is shaping and changing their world, both at home and in their organizations. These women leaders will discuss how the latest advances in technology, internet and social media not only create challenges but also help their lives. They will also relate real world examples of how the shift to technology has influenced them and has created a trend toward technology adoption by women in all walks of life.
Moderator: Juan Carlos Lizardi, LULAC National Vice President for the South East
Celeste Carrasco, Director, Public Affairs, AT&T
Maribel Perez, Professor in Technology and Education
Silvia Perez-Rathell, National Director of Corporate & Federal Affairs

Domestic Violence & Violence against Women
11:20 am to 12:10 pm …………………...........................................................San Juan Salon 1
On March 7, 2013, President Obama signed into law the Violence against Women Act, which guarantees women and girls that have faced violence legal protections, by continuing to support effective programs, make targeted expansions to address the needs of especially vulnerable populations, and help prevent violence in future generations. Domestic violence causes 3 deaths a day to women, and 1 in 4 women have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner. 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have been raped in their lifetimes. Currently, domestic violence costs the U.S. $8 billion a year in lost productivity and health care costs, and 3 women die in the United States each day as a result of domestic violence. This workshop will offer insight into how the law and its possible revisions, affect the safety of American women. Moderator: Regla Gonzalez, past LULAC National Vice President for Women
Heidi Notario, Training & Technical Assistance Coordinator National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families & Communities-A Project of Casa de Esperanza
Janette Zenaida Rivera, Social Worker, Assistant Attorney, The Office of Women's Advocacy/Women's Rights Legal Office/Women's Advocate Office

Women in Business
11:20 am to 12:10 pm …………………................................................................San Juan Salon 8
The National Journal States “From 2002 to 2007, for instance, the number of Hispanic-owned companies grew by nearly 44 percent to 2.3 million, and that growth is continuing”. This growth creates new jobs and increases the strength of local economies. LULAC is dedicated in training, coaching, and providing mentoring women in business, who are a strong base to the US economy. Come and learn from inspiring top executives about the role of women in the economy.
Moderator: Mickie Solorio Luna, LULAC National Vice President for the Farwest
Clara L. Carrier, PR & Marketing Manager, Communications & Special Programs, Ronald McDonald House Charities
Monica Artau, City Manager, Sherwin-Williams Company
Iris Miriam Ruiz Class, Ombudswoman in Puerto Rico (invited)

12:10 pm to 12:20 pm Break
Municipality Workshop Participants will be transported to the lobby of the Convention Center
Boxed lunches provided to ticketed attendees
*Free Admission with lunch ticket
POC: Sigfredo Carrion, LULAC Puerto Rico District Director
Salsa group performance (invited)e

12:20 pm to 2:00 pm Women’s Recognition Luncheon and Salute to Sponsors*
…………………………………………………….San Juan Salons 4-5
Emcee: Cordelia González, Univision Puerto Rico
Reflection: Reverend Nahina Alvarez, LULAC Puerto Rico, Religious Community Council member
Welcome remarks: Elsie Valdés Ramos, LULAC National Vice President for Women
Margaret Morán, LULAC National President
Sponsor Remarks:
Cheri M. Phyfer, Division President & General Manager, The Sherwin-Williams Company
Minnette Velez, PR/CCA Public Affairs Manager
Performance by Mariachi Jalisciense
Speaker Remarks:
The Honorable María Mayita Meléndez, Mayor of Ponce
Keynote speaker: The Honorable Hilda Solis (invited)
The Honorable Pedro Pierluisi, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico
Women’s Recognition by LULAC Women’s National Commission
Recognition of LULAC Campaigns:
The Orgullosa Campaign, Procter & Gamble: Anelsie Ramos, Orgullosa Brands, Procter & Gamble Company
SuperMadres Campaign, Pew Charitable Trusts: Gail Hansen, Senior Officer, Pew Charitable Trusts
Speaker Remarks:
Performance by Mariachi Jalisciense

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Silent Charity Auction

I Wore Combat Boots to Serve: Latinas in the Military
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.……………………................................................................San Juan Salon 1
According to the U.S. Department of Defense “young Hispanic men and women have a strong tendency to serve in the military,” in which Latinos have had a presence in all American wars, including World War I & II, Korean, Vietnam, to our present day conflicts. Hispanics in America, including Puerto Ricans, represent a community who are commitment to serving and protecting the United States. In 2012, 1.2 million Hispanic served our country, which account for 11% of the active duty in the military force [1]. The Puerto Rico State Summary (2010) states that 116,029 veterans reside in live in Puerto Rico. In addition, members of Latino communities are often preferred candidates for enlistment, particularly for their foreign language skills and foreign cultural awareness in a time when recruits with global consciousness are in short supply. The workshop will provide an overview of the services that the military provides including career opportunities, leadership development, health care and the G.I. Bill. Moderator: Lucy Arce, former Senator of Puerto Rico, Chair of the Veterans Committee
Elsa Cortez, private citizen
Jacqueline S. Fountain
Dra. Janise Touse, Major in the Reserve (invited)
Luce Berrio, first female Commander in the Veterans Administration in Puerto Rico

5:00 pm Depart to Macy’s Store in Plaza de Las Americas
Points of Contact:
Elba Crespo, LULAC Puerto Rico Council member
Sonia Jiménez, LULAC Puerto Rico Council member

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Macy’s Fashion Show……………….....Plaza de Las Americas
Emcee: Caridad Fernández
Featuring: Cenia Paredes, Dress Designer
Recognition to Macy’s, Inc.
Sponsor: Macy’s, Inc
Beverage Sponsor: The Coca-Cola Company
Macy’s, Inc. Recognition

8:30 pm to 10:00 pm Carnaval en Puerto Rico
…………………………San Juan Salones 4-5 Talent Show*
Point of contact: Connie Martinez, LULAC National Secretary
(*by invitation)
Sponsors: “Rones de Puerto Rico”, LULAC Puerto Rico and MillerCoors LLC

Sunday, April 14
9:00 am to 10:00 am Mass Iglesia San Francisco, Calle San Francisco, San Juan, PR
*ticketed event



Mail the agreement to: LULAC National Office; 1133 19th Street, NW, Suite 1000; Washington, DC 20036 or FAX (202) 833-6135
Make check payable to: LULAC Legislative Conference & Awards Gala. For questions or additional opportunities please call Silvia Perez-Rathell at 202-833-6130 or email:
Contributions to the legislative conference & awards gala are not tax deductible as a charitable Contribution, but may be deductible as a business expense

Form (PDF Format)