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Puerto Rico

Aug 4, 2022

LULAC Rallies To The Aid Of Puerto Ricans Left Shaken And Angered By The Latest Corruption Arrests

Nation's Largest and Oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization Recommits Its Support For the People of Puerto Rico and Urges Congress to Issue $2,000 Per Person Direct Stimulus

Aug 1, 2022

LULAC Says Puerto Rico Convention Marks The Start Of A New Era And Now Looks To The Future

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization Says the Results of Its First National Convention Since the Pandemic Shows the Resiliency to Endure

Jul 30, 2022

LULAC Fights Corrupt Attempt At Hostile Takeover

“As LULAC national president elected by the league members, I comply with court instructions contained within a temporary restraining order (TRO) issued Friday, July 29, 2022

Jul 30, 2022

LULAC lucha contra intento corrupto de toma hostil

"Como presidente nacional de LULAC elegido por los miembros de la liga, cumplo con las instrucciones del tribunal contenidas en una orden de restricción temporal (TRO) emitida el viernes 29 de julio de 2022

Apr 25, 2022

LULAC Analysis: Supreme Court Ruling On SSI For Puerto Ricans Is Colonialism By Another Name

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization Questions the Logic Behind Denying Equal Benefits to U.S. Citizens on the Island

Jul 29, 2021

LULAC Salutes Woman As First Track Olympian To Win Gold For Puerto Rico

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization Celebrates Victory of Jasmine Camacho-Quinn at Tokyo Olympics

May 8, 2021

LULAC Renews Call For U.S. Congress To Take Action On Puerto Rico Statehood

Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Supports Vote of Island’s Majority in Seeking Recognition

Jan 8, 2020

LULAC pide ayuda Federal para Puerto Rico después del terremoto de 6.4

La Organización Latina de Derechos Civiles Más Antigua y Grande del País Insta a Aerolíneas de EEUU a Ofrecer Tarifas Aéreas Reducidas de Emergencia Para Viajar Desde la Isla

Jan 8, 2020

LULAC Asks For Federal Aid To Puerto Rico Following 6.4 Earthquake

Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Urges US Airlines to Offer Emergency Reduced Airfares for Travel from Stricken Island

Jul 11, 2019

Puerto Rican Leaders Call for Funds and Increased Services as Devastation from Hurricane Maria Endures

Oldest and largest U.S. Hispanic advocacy organization seeks to elevate the impact of hurricane on the Island during its 90th Annual Convention

May 23, 2019

LULAC logra victoria para el pueblo de Puerto Rico

Visita Histórica de la Delegación de LULAC Desde La Isla Asegura Casi Mil Millones en Ayuda Inmediata

May 23, 2019

LULAC Scores Win For Puerto Rico Disaster Aid

Historic Visit by LULAC Delegation from the Island Territory Secures Nearly $1 Billion in Immediate Relief

May 21, 2019

LULAC trae una delegacion de Puerto Rico a Washington, DC

La Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos (LULAC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que una delegación de más de 120 líderes electos y comunitarios de Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos estará en Washington esta semana

May 21, 2019

LULAC Brings Puerto Rican Delegation to Washington, DC

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) announced that a delegation of more than 120 elected and community leaders from Puerto Rico and the United States are in Washington this week

May 31, 2018

New Harvard Study Estimates Hurricane Maria Deaths 73 Times Greater than Reported

Washington, D.C. - Researchers with Harvard University have set the death toll from the devastating storm at 4,675, not the 64 reported by emergency officials and attribute the higher count to a failure in the government’s response following the disaster....

Nov 28, 2017

LULAC Statement on Senator Sanders's Legislation to Rebuild Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

Today Senator Sanders and several other progressive Senators introduced legislation to comprehensively address the crisis in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. ..

May 3, 2016

Action Alert: Ensure that Congress Keeps Latino Children on the School Lunch Program

Click here to contact Members of Congress and urge them to oppose any bill that threatens to kick Latino children off the school lunch program!