El Pueblo Unido A Resource Guide for Community Leaders, Click Here to read the Resource Guide

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The LULAC News

Background Information

What does LULAC represent? How can LULAC help Latinos achieve their goals? How do we connect Latinos to critical resources? These are just a few of the questions that LULAC seeks to answer via the LULAC News, the quarterly print publication produced by and for Latinos.

Each issue of The LULAC News is designed to reflect the voice of the Latino community, and empower readers across the nation with the tools they need to succeed. Every publication includes several articles that mirror the mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens: to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health, housing and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.

Complementing the dynamic and grassroots structure of the organization, the LULAC News is one of many vehicles used to connect the Latino community to issues that affect their lives every day. Across the nation, LULAC is committed to serving and mobilizing diverse populations, including youth, young adults, women and elderly. As we work to break down barriers, LULAC also seeks to inspire Latinos by presenting opportunities for growth and advocacy.

Magazine Rate Card

The LULAC News Editorial Calendar includes a sample of the resources available in each edition. Please feel free to share your thoughts or ideas with the Maritza, email her here or call her at 202-833-6130 x101.

Thinking about advertising in the LULAC News? call 202-833-6130, .


Summer 2024

Summer 2023

Spring 2023

Summer 2022

Fall 2021


LULAC Newsletters 1931-2022

Contribution: David Contreras, LULAC Texas State Historian

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