LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information

All Press Releases

Oct 24, 2019

LULAC & NewsMax TV Host Presidential Town Hall in Iowa

DES MOINES, IOWA - Today, The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) National and Newsmax TV are holding a town hall with Democratic presidential candidates

Oct 20, 2019

LULAC Remembers A Brave Friend Of Justice

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization Pays Tribute to U.S. Congressman Elijah Cummings

Oct 15, 2019

Candidatos Actualizados: Castro, Gabbard, O’Rourke y Sanders participaran en el Foro Presidencial de LULAC & NEWSMAX TV en Des Moines, Iowa

La organización de derechos civiles latinos más antigua y grande de EEUU se une a Newsmax TV para celebrar un foro con el fin de promover la participación de los 75,000 latinos elegibles a votar en Iowa en 2020, y los 53,000 votantes latinos ya registrados y identificados por LULAC

Oct 10, 2019

Updated: Updated: Castro, Gabbard, O'Rourke, and Sanders Will Participate in LULAC & NEWSMAX Presidential Town Hall in Des Moines, Iowa

The Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Teams Up with Newsmax TV to Host an Iowa Town Hall to Engage the 75,000 Eligible Latino Voters & 53,000 Registered Latino Voters Identified by LULAC

Oct 10, 2019

LULAC Responds to Texas Sheriff Bill Waybourn’s Comments Calling Migrants “Drunks Who Would Run Over Your Children”

Washington, DC – Today, Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn delivered remarks during a White House press briefing about border security...

Oct 9, 2019

LULAC Will Miss a Lifelong Champion

Leonard Chaires Honored by Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization

Oct 9, 2019

Castro, Gabbard and Sanders Will Join LULAC & NEWSMAX For a Presidential Town Hall in Des Moines, Iowa

The Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Teams Up with Newsmax TV to Host an Iowa Town Hall to Engage the 75,000 Eligible Latino Voters & 53,000 Registered Latino Voters Identified by LULAC

Oct 3, 2019

LULAC Launches “Freedom Walks For Justice” Across Eight States And 15 Cities; Thousands To March, Mobilize, & Register To Vote

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Kicked Off Freedom Walks Across the Nation to Promote Civic Engagement, Elevate Issues Affecting the Latino Community, and Increase Voter Registration

Oct 2, 2019

LULAC Scores Major Victory For Latino Voters in Iowa

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Sees a Win Against Voter Suppression Legislation in the State

Sep 20, 2019

Hispanic Heritage Month What it Truly Means to Us

There are some words that just can’t be translated without losing their deeper meaning. It’s like making Abuelitas’s favorite recipe for caldo and leaving out one of her secret ingredients..

Sep 12, 2019

LULAC Applauds Grand Jury Indictment of the El Paso Domestic Terrorist

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Responds to Decision Expressing Support for Victims’ Families, Latino Community and El Paso District Attorney

Sep 11, 2019

LULAC Remembers 9/11

Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Honors the Fallen in Terror Attacks

Aug 31, 2019

LULAC Calls Texas Governor Abbott to Call a Special Emergency Session to Address Banning Assault Rifles

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization Mourns Victims of Latest Mass Shooting and Makes Second Demand in One Month for a Special Legislative Session in Texas on Guns

Aug 28, 2019

LULAC Responds To Lowe’s Executive Vice President’s Racist Comments

Washington, DC – Yesterday, Joe McFarland, Executive Vice President of Lowe’s apologized for a racist comment in

Aug 21, 2019

LULAC Responds To New Trump Rule That Prolongs Detention Of Migrant Children

Washington, DC – Today, the Trump Administration issued a new regulation that would allow the federal government to detain migrant families beyond the 20-day cap currently in place under the Flores Settlement Agreement

Aug 12, 2019

LULAC Leads ‘March For A Unite America’ ’To Come Together as One Community and Call For Stricter Gun Control Regulations in Response To Mass Shootings

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Hispanic Civil Rights Organization Leads Rally with More Than 1,000 People Demanding an End to President Trump’s White Supremacist Rhetoric & Policies

Aug 12, 2019

El Paso and Mississippi: Attack on Two Fronts

Our community is being attacked on two fronts. On Saturday, August 3rd in El Paso, Texas a domestic terrorist targeting “Mexicans” killed 22 people and injured 26. On Wednesday, August 7th, U.S. Immigration officials raided several Mississippi food processing plants targeting Latino employees and arrested 680 men and women, separating children and parents on the first day of school.

Aug 10, 2019

LULAC Sends Rescue Teams To Mississippi To Aid Victims of ICE Raids

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Hispanic Civil Rights Organization to Host Know Your Rights Legal Workshops for Families and Children Left Behind

Aug 9, 2019

Today at 10AM CT: LULAC To Hold Press Conference Demanding Immediate Action from Texas Legislators in Response To El Paso Shooting

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Calls for Texas Governor Greg Abbott to hold Special Session to Strengthen Gun Regulations

Aug 8, 2019

LULAC Condemns ICE raids in Mississippi as State Terrorism

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization Makes Call for Unity and Action to Curtail the Sale of Firearms; Announces Unity Against Hate March