LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information

All Headlines & Press Releases

Aug 21, 2019

LULAC Responds To New Trump Rule That Prolongs Detention Of Migrant Children

Washington, DC – Today, the Trump Administration issued a new regulation that would allow the federal government to detain migrant families beyond the 20-day cap currently in place under the Flores Settlement Agreement

Aug 12, 2019

LULAC Leads ‘March For A Unite America’ ’To Come Together as One Community and Call For Stricter Gun Control Regulations in Response To Mass Shootings

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Hispanic Civil Rights Organization Leads Rally with More Than 1,000 People Demanding an End to President Trump’s White Supremacist Rhetoric & Policies

Aug 12, 2019

El Paso and Mississippi: Attack on Two Fronts

Our community is being attacked on two fronts. On Saturday, August 3rd in El Paso, Texas a domestic terrorist targeting “Mexicans” killed 22 people and injured 26. On Wednesday, August 7th, U.S. Immigration officials raided several Mississippi food processing plants targeting Latino employees and arrested 680 men and women, separating children and parents on the first day of school.

Aug 10, 2019

LULAC Sends Rescue Teams To Mississippi To Aid Victims of ICE Raids

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Hispanic Civil Rights Organization to Host Know Your Rights Legal Workshops for Families and Children Left Behind

Aug 9, 2019

LULAC demands Texas lawmakers hold special session after El Paso mass shooting

A group of Democratic lawmakers from North Texas are demanding the governor call a special session of the legislature to take action on gun control legislation.

Aug 9, 2019

Today at 10AM CT: LULAC To Hold Press Conference Demanding Immediate Action from Texas Legislators in Response To El Paso Shooting

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Calls for Texas Governor Greg Abbott to hold Special Session to Strengthen Gun Regulations

Aug 9, 2019

Redada en Misisipi acrecienta malestar entre hispanos aún dolidos por Texas

Hola News

Washington, 8 ago (EFEUSA).- Líderes y organizaciones a favor de la comunidad hispana reaccionaron hoy indignados ante la detención de 680 inmigrantes durante una redada masiva en Misisipi ocurrida pocos días después de un tiroteo con tinte racista que acabó con 22 vidas en la localidad de El Paso (Texas).

Aug 8, 2019

More Than 200 Kids Were Missing From Schools After A Massive ICE Raid In Mississippi

BuzzFeed News

“It’s a sad situation. I’m a mother and I’m just imagining my child in that situation. It’s heartbreaking,” a Mississippi school official said.

Aug 8, 2019

LULAC Condemns ICE raids in Mississippi as State Terrorism

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization Makes Call for Unity and Action to Curtail the Sale of Firearms; Announces Unity Against Hate March

Aug 7, 2019

Here Is Why El Paso Is Different

As Latinos, we are experiencing the worst racist political attacks in a generation

Aug 5, 2019

Did Trump’s racist rhetoric play a role in this weekend’s shootings?


Critics say President Trump’s own words are partly to blame for the shootings. President of the League of United Latin American Citizens, Domingo Garcia joins Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the president’s repeated racist, anti-immigrant attacks, and the role they may have played.

Aug 4, 2019

LULAC Demands Gov. Abbott Call Special Session To Change Gun Laws

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization Makes Call for Unity and Action to Curtail the Sale of Firearms; Announces Unity Against Hate March

Aug 4, 2019

El Paso mourns its shooting victims; Dayton, Ohio, faces own gun massacre

Los Angeles Times

EL PASO — Police had yet to remove the bodies of those killed at a mass shooting inside an El Paso Walmart when another shooting erupted across the country early Sunday..

Aug 3, 2019

Domestic Terrorist Attacks Latinos in Racial Attack

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization Says President Trump Fueling Deadly Hate in America

Jul 25, 2019

Army Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez

Help us by supporting the Campaign to Honor America’s Latino Military Heroes by renaming Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas after Sgt. Roy P. Benavidez

Jul 19, 2019

A Journey for Freedom

There is no love greater than that of a mother and father for their child. No matter what the sacrifice, a mother will risk it all, including their own life, so that their sons and daughters have an opportunity to be free

Jul 16, 2019

Las Mujeres deben estar Todas contra los Ataques del Presidente Trump

La Vicepresidenta Nacional Para Mujeres de la Organización de Derechos Civiles Más Antigua y Más Grande de la Nación y Puerto Rico Urge Solidaridad Contra Misoginia

Jul 16, 2019

Women Must All Unite Against Attacks by President Trump

Nation’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization’s National Vice-President for Women Calls for Solidarity Against Misogyny

Jul 12, 2019

Presidential candidates Michael Bennet, Bill de Blasio address immigration issues at LULAC convention

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Democratic presidential hopefuls continued Friday to make their pitches to Latino voters gathered in Milwaukee for the week.

Jul 12, 2019

LULAC demonstrators march with cages to Senator Ron Johnson's office


MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Dozens of LULAC members marched through downtown Milwaukee Friday morning to get Senator Ron Johnson's attention.