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The Unidos Por Impacto Hunger Relief Campaign

Hunger Relief Across USA

LULAC is uniting with Constellation Brands and Promotores Unidos USA on a $250,000 hunger relief campaign that will reach several of America’s largest cities where Latino communities have suffered economically, in addition to some of the highest rates of impact from the novel coronavirus. The Unidos Por Impacto Hunger Relief campaign features artists brought by Promotores Unidos USA to help increase awareness and extend the Latino community’s gratitude to millions of people working daily to keep the country going during COVID-19. The artists would provide recorded messages of encouragement to the community, including reminders on the importance of wearing a mask and social distancing.

The Unidos Por Impacto Hunger Relief Project includes New York City, Dallas, Houston, Miami, Chicago, Bakersfield - Tulare, Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. The full $250,000 donation from Constellation Brands will be distributed across these areas to help ensure food security in vulnerable Hispanic communities.

How to Apply

Recipients can apply for gift cards which they will be able to cash for food items at tiendas, supermercados and bodegas in their communities. The campaign will also help boost local economies for neighborhood businesses hurt by the pandemic. The project kicks off Saturday, September 5th, and will continue for two months through Thursday, October 15th.

Individuals can apply by texting the code word "IMPACTS" to 52886 and filling out the promptings via text message. Para aplicar en español, envía "IMPACTO"52886.

Press Release

LULAC Kicks Off Campaign For Hunger Relief Across USA

Nation’s Leading Latino Civil Rights Organization Joins with Promotores Unidos USA to Help Latinos Hard Hit by COVID-19

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LULAC inicia campaña para alivio del hambre en los EEUU

La Organización Principal de Derechos Civiles Latinos del País Se Une a Promotores Unidos USA para Ayudar a los Latinos Afectados Por el COVID-19

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Unidos Por Impacto Hunger Relief Campaign is proudly supported by: