Tell Your Friends about the "I Voted for Immigration Reform" Campaign

Help issue a call on Capitol Hill to support comprehensive immigration reform by joining LULAC’s “I Voted for Immigration Reform” campaign.

This campaign will allow you to connect with your members of Congress to let them know that comprehensive immigration reform is a top priority for the Latino community.

Once you join the campaign, your members of Congress will receive an “I Voted for Immigration Reform” postcard.

You can further help by providing three additional email addresses. As a thank you, LULAC National will mail you a campaign sticker.

Your Information

Your Friends

Your Message


I added my name to the diploma and letter below to send a message to my representatives that we must pass the Dream Act now and I hope you can do the same.

The Dream Act benefits our economy and educational systems. It increases our military preparedness and national security. It will provide a pathway for the thousands of undocumented students who graduate from high school to obtain permanent resident status, upon completing military service or a two-year enrollment in college. We need your Members of Congress to hear your voice NOW!

LULAC will hand deliver your diploma and a letter to your Representative and Senators.

Help spread the word by getting your family, friends, and colleagues to send a diploma with their name to their Member of Congress. United we will make our voices heard and will make the dream come true for thousands of high school graduates!

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