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Education Publications

White Papers and Reports

Maintaining a Focus on Subgroups in an Era of Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waivers

As part of the Campaign for High School Equity (CHSE), LULAC joined 9 other civil rights organizations in releasing a white paper that analyzes the Department of Education’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver practices.


Education Newsletters

Education Newsletter February 2014 Edition

Explore LULAC's Legislative Conference, free book offer, and speaking engagements at the Congressional briefing on gainful employment issues and Community College National Legislative Summit.


Education Newsletter January 2014 Edition

Examine current civil rights issues through the lens of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., continuing advocacy for E-Rate Program, attend the education policy briefing at the 2014 LULAC Legislative Conference, and more.


Education Newsletter December Edition

Inside: AFT Day of Action, second Albuquerque Common Core Town Hall with New Mexico Education Secretary Hanna Skandera, and more.


Education Newsletter November Edition

Inside: American Education Week, ESEA Waiver Webinar hosted by Campaign for High School Equity, LULAC as presenter at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Key Partner Convening, and more.


Education Newsletter October 2013

Inside: Common Core town hall in New Mexico, Pocket DACA app unveiled, LULAC members descend on Capitol Hill for #ACTober. Read more...


Education Newsletter September 2013

Invitation: Join LULAC at the #ACTober Advocacy Days, the Common Core State Standards town hall in New Mexico, and at Univision's debut event on the CCSS. Read more.


Education Newsletter August 2013

Inside: Sequestration Action Alert, an invitation to LULAC watch parties, LULAC's position on reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and more.


Education Newsletter July 2013

Inside: LULAC National meets with New Mexico Governor Martinez, LULAC education policy workshop wrap-up from the LULAC National Convention...


Education Newsletter January 2012

Looking Back on 2011: Unfinished Business in Washington, D.C.
delivering his third budget since taking office, President obama mollified most of the education community when he presented his suggested budget for Education to congress in february of 2011. while in some respects the budget had the spirit of washington’s current zeitgeist for spending cuts, the cuts were relatively few, exhibiting the administration’s commitment to education....


Education Newsletter September 2011

Welcome to the Back to School edition of the LULAC Education Newsletter!
In celebration of the start of the 2011 school year for students across the country, LULAC would like to use the September edition of the LULAC Education Newsletter to showcase education programs from across the country that are having a positive impact for Latino students. This month’s edition will spotlight two programs making outstanding strides in the areas of Parent & Community Engagement and Expanded Learning Opportunities. We hope that the stories of these successful programs will inspire you to think about ways that your school and/or community can make an impact in the lives of a student this school year.


LULAC Education Newsletter, July 2011

Student Enrollment Policies– Public Education for ALL In 1982, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe 457 U.S. 202 (1982) stated that all states are required to provide free public education to all students, regardless of their immigration status, as denial of a public education would “[impose] a lifetime hardship on a discrete class of children not accountable for their disabling status….

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Education Newsletter May 2011

Ensuring America’s Future (EAF), an initiative led by Excelencia in Education, has recently released its Roadmap for Ensuring America’s Future— a collaborative report among 60 national partners to stimulate dialog in communities across the nation around increasing Latino college completion.


Education Newsletter March 2011

Educating English Language Learners, Is There a Best Practice?


Education Newsletter January 2011

Election 2010: What will this mean for Latino Students?


Education Newsletter September 2010

Education as a Key Issue in the 2010 Midterm Elections?


Education Newsletter June 2010

Charter Schools and ELL Students: What’s the Story?


Education Newsletter May 2010

Obama’s Blueprint for Education Reform


Education Newsletter April 2010

The President’s FY11 Budget for Education


Education Advocacy Toolkit

Education Advocacy Toolkit

LULAC has produced the Education Advocacy Toolkit: a guide that will equip you with the tools necessary to advocate for education reform at the local, state or federal level.


LULAC Education Advocacy Sheet

Latino students are the fastest‐growing segment of the public school population and make up nearly one in five public school students. The achievement gap between Latino students and their peers remains wide, and the gap is even more pronounced for English language learners (ELLs). This gap, which is evidenced even before children enter kindergarten, has led to an alarmingly high dropout rate and low levels of enrollment in higher education programs...


Common Core State Standards Publications

Education Policy Primer Brochure

A brochure that describes the history of LULAC, the mission of the education policy department, and some of our initiatives.


CCSS at a Glance

A fact sheet on the Common Core State Standards: what they are, where they are being implemented, and what they mean for your children and schools.


CCSS a la Vista

Un resumen de los estándares estatales comunes: que son, donde se están implementando, y que significan para sus hijos y escuelas.


LULAC: Kindergarten Standards / Estándares para Kindergarten

For more CCSS resources, visit our common core page at lulac.org/commoncore.



Science, Education, and Latino Students

The Department of Education recently released the science results for the federally mandated National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) in grades 4, 8, and 12 ...
