LULAC Fights Back: How We’re Standing Up to Texas's Voter Suppression: Click here for more information

LULAC's Super Madres Promoting Human Health

Super Madres Against Superbugs

Driven by the increasing awareness of antibiotic resistance and its link to food animal production and the ever growing demand for meat and poultry products raised with antibiotics, LULAC, in partnership with the Pew Charitable Trusts, has launched the Super Madres campaign to raise awareness and advocacy around the injudicious use of antibiotics in food animal production.

Since the 1940s antibiotics have been used to treat infectious disease caused by bacteria, microbes, and other small organisms. In 1951 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the addition of antibiotics to animal feed to promote weight gain. Some of the most common antibiotics used in animal feed are also used to treat human and animal illness. When animals, as well as humans, are exposed to antibiotics over long periods of time at low dosages, the bacteria that are targeted by the medications become resistant to the effects of the drugs making us more vulnerable to un-treatable illnesses.

LULAC and the Super Madres are united to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics for our communities, our children and our families.

Join LULAC's Don't Stuff Our Turkeys with Antibiotics Campaign

Advocate for Legislation that Provides Sensible Antibiotic Use and Proper Food Labeling! The LULAC council that submits the most petitions by 11/25/13 will receive 100 antibiotic-free turkeys to donate to a charity of their choice. 
Click here for more information on the campaign.

Super Madres Campaign Sees Results

Following LULAC’s successful Don’t Stuff our Turkeys with Antibiotics Campaign which collected 1,600 petitions calling Congress to act on the dangerous use of antibiotics, the Food and Drug Administration released guidance on December 11, 2013 calling for animal pharmaceutical companies to remove “growth enhancement and feed efficiency” labels from medically important antibiotics.

Read the full blog post here.

Check out this video from Extending the Cure, a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Antibiotic Resistance Factsheet

For more information about how antibiotic resistant "superbugs" are affecting Latino communities check out the Latinos Living Healthy factsheet here.

Antibiotic Resistance Manual

To earn your title as a "Super Madre", "Super Padre", or just "Super Advocate", use this manual to help you learn the issue and get involved.

Sign the Petition

Sign the petition today to urge Congress, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and President Obama to support regulations and labeling of antibiotics on industrial farms.