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AMERICA VOTES Announces Addition of Two National Organizations to Historic, Progressive Coalition

LULAC and Campaign for America’s Future Join 32-Member Strong Progressive Coalition.

For more information contact:
Katherine Ely, 202-962-7272

Washington, DC – America Votes announced today the addition of two national organizations to their historic coalition of progressive groups. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and Campaign for America’s Future (CAF) have joined America Votes' 32-member strong coalition.

“2006 is a crucial year for all Americans to invest in our democracy. We are proud and honored that both LULAC and CAF are joining our historic collaboration to educate voters,” said Maggie Fox, President of America Votes, “These two organizations will add both unique and important voices to our work to take back America in 2006.”

LULAC is the largest and oldest Hispanic Organization in the United States. LULAC’s mission is to “advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 700 LULAC councils nationwide.” The organization joins America Votes during a key election year in which the rights of undocumented immigrants face harsh criticism by Americans and states are taking extreme measures to alienate the Hispanic community. America Votes and LULAC are committed to providing information to voters on the real issue of immigration reform in the U.S. today.

“Grassroots groups have long been in need of an organization like America Votes, one that unites our voices,” said Rosa Rosales, LULAC National President. “We are honored to be a partner of a historic coalition bringing real change to our nation. LULAC is committed to offering campaign trainings to a growing number of Hispanic participants eager to become involved in political activism and campaigns.”

CAF is an organization built by citizen activists and policy experts who are concerned about America’s future. CAF is focused on several key issues for the 2006 political campaigns including: energy independence, revitalizing education, social security, and Medicare and healthcare for Americans. CAF has joined with America Votes and leaders at the national, state, and local levels to “build a more just and democratic society.”

“With the right at the helm, America has been headed in the wrong direction,” said Bob Borosage, Campaign for America’s Future’s Co-director. “It is vital that progressives come together to combine their efforts, coordinate their activities and organize to take back the country. America Votes is vital to that central task.”

America Votes’ national partners include organizations that work on many issues such as choice, the environment, labor, “netroots”, civil rights, education, minority rights, retired persons, and much more. Our partners include: ACORN, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Alliance for Retired Americans, American Federation of Teachers, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence with the Million Mom March, Campaign for America’s Future, Clean Water Action, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, Democracy for America, EMILY’s List, Human Rights Campaign, League of Conservation Voters, LULAC, The Media Fund, Political Action, Music for America, NAACP National Voter Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America, NDN, National Education Association, National Jewish Democratic Council, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Progressive Majority, SEIU, Sierra Club, USAction, Working America, Young Democrats of America, and 21st Century Democrats.

America Votes is working to educate progressive voters about important issues in eight key states across America including: Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Arizona. America Votes is the nation’s largest coalition dedicated to turning out the vote in 2006. Comprised of a historic partnership between many of the largest, membership-based grassroots groups in the nation, America Votes is independent of any political party, and is singularly focused on communicating with voters on the issues themselves. This election cycle, America Votes will work to raise awareness on a broad range of issues including the economy, health care, security, the environment, education and civil and human rights.