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LULAC Mourns the Passing of Ernest Eguia, A Member of LULAC for 67 Years

May 6, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, LULAC National Executive Director, Brent Wilkes, issued the following statement following the death of Ernest Eguia:

“The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is saddened over the passing of Ernest Eguia, an active and well respected member of LULAC for 67 years. A dedicated member of the community, Mr. Eguia worked to help bring diversity to local government, including being instrumental in helping to ensure that the Houston Fire Department and the Houston Police Department recruited Hispanics. In addition, Mr. Eguia helped to create important national programs which included the Service, Employment and Redevelopment (SER) and the Little School of 400. The latter was used as the model for the establishment of Head Start. Mr. Eguia was also a driving force behind bringing President John F. Kennedy and then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to the Houston Rice Hotel on November 21, 1963 to address LULAC members. With his passing, LULAC has lost a beloved member whose commitment to his community, country and family set a standard we should all work towards.”