LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information

LULAC Says Build Back Better Plan Is Bold And Vital To Our Future

Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Calls for Support of $2-Trillion Infrastructure Legislation

Washington, DC - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) says the Administration’s Build Back Better Infrastructure blueprint sets out an important and vital path for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and deserves bipartisan support. LULAC welcomes action on infrastructure and climate change that invests in green energy and ensures that those who have been affected the most enjoy the benefits of a new economy first.

Domingo Garcia - LULAC National President
“Today America gets a chance to see the way forward with investment that will create jobs and funding for critical programs across the country and Puerto Rico that truly touch the lives of every American, instead of benefitting the very affluent or excluding historically marginalized communities, including Latinos. It is only fair that this vision be shared and supported by individuals and businesses together which is why the change in the corporate tax from 21% to 28% is important. A healthy and robust economy means we can all get back on our feet. Also, LULAC agrees strongly with allocating $400 billion to expand care for the elderly and disabled plus $300 billion for housing infrastructure. I encourage every person to take the time to see what’s in the infrastructure package to see how it helps him or her and then contact their elected officials and urge them to approve it.”

Sindy Benavides - LULAC National Chief Executive Officer
“The proposed legislation set out by the White House recognizes the importance of addressing important environmental needs with deliberate urgency. Every day, we are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change, much of this the result of manmade actions and neglect. Taking action is as important as the physical healing we are going through from the effects of the virus. Related priorities include the public’s access to quality healthcare and initiating tangible projects and programs that help the environment. This includes expanding electric transportation, removing lead from drinking water and strengthening our electric grid. Another very significant area this historic proposed legislation tackles is overcoming the growing technology divide. More than one-in-three Latino households don’t even have access to broadband at home or a way for their children to access learning remotely during the pandemic. This is simply unacceptable in the world’s wealthiest nation. LULAC urges everyone to become more informed and let our voices be heard so that action is taken without delay on this legislation.”

Additional Facts

Health -

  • Over 3.6 million Latinos in the U.S. suffer from asthma and they are twice as likely to visit an emergency room due to this disease, and Latino children are twice as likely to die from asthma compared to their white counterparts.
  • Latinos on average breathe in 63% more particulate air pollution than they create through their activities and consumption compared to their white counterparts in the U.S.
  • Latinos have higher rates of commuting in high-density areas, living near energy plants, and working with hazardous chemicals all which raise an individual’s susceptibility to air pollution and COVID-19.
  • A 2020 study by American Lung Association found that nearly half of all people in the U.S. are living in areas where air quality is unhealthy.

Climate -

  • At least 97% of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. In 2020, America was struck by at least 17 billion-dollar weather or climate disasters.
  • Clean energy will create millions of jobs. Building a clean energy economy will create up to 25 million good-paying jobs across the U.S. This is what we need to build back better and recover from COVID-19.
  • Investing in clean energy allows for cleaner air & water and better health for all. Air pollution from burning fossil fuels – which is connected to asthma, cancer, heart disease and many other health problems – causes 350,000 premature deaths annually in the United States.
  • 78% of Latino voters expressed that they have personally experienced the impacts of climate change.

Broadband -

  • 37% of Latino households had either no broadband internet connectivity or could connect only through their phone
  • 32% of Latinos don’t have enough computers for their children to use
  • 11% of Latino households said their child’s school is providing technology


The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit