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On this 12th anniversary of the Dream Act, LULAC salutes and congratulates DACA recipients who have contributed so much to our country. They are a living testament today that the actions taken by President Barack Obama in 2012 were right and have benefited us all.

Domingo García – LULAC National President
"As the co-author of the nation's first DREAM Act legislation in Texas (in-state tuition), I reflect with pride and joy on the achievements of thousands of young men and women. As a state lawmaker, I aimed to open doors for undocumented children to become scholars in America, bringing with them the beauty and brilliance of their lived experiences, dreams and hopes. I have had the privilege to work closely with these inspiring individuals—people of promise, hard workers who boldly emerged from the shadows to become lawyers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs. What strikes me most about each of them is their desire to contribute and help others. Their generosity and courage continue to inspire me. ¡Felicidades a todos los Dreamers!"

Delma Gorostieta – LULAC National Vice-President for Young Adults
"DACA transformed my life. I was able to pursue my dreams—graduating from Texas A&M University and later from UNT Dallas College of Law. DACA not only enabled my education but allowed me to support my family, including putting my sister through college. My journey is a testament to DACA's impact on countless lives, including the students I mentor and clients I assist daily. DACA has empowered a generation to pursue their ambitions and give back to their communities, enriching the nation culturally, economically, and socially. I am proud to be among them."

Jose Barrera – LULAC National Vice-President for the Far West
"In the beginning, DACA felt like a beacon of hope, but right now, it feels like shackles have been put on, and we keep waiting for any slight opportunity for us to have a pathway to citizenship. This is a promise that we wait for year after year, no matter who is in office, and we have yet to see it. America needs to get ready for these individuals and support their cause. We have not given up hope, but staying hopeful gets harder and harder. Living like this makes you feel like a second-class person. We're here working hard, paying taxes, and contributing to our country, so we're not asking for a handout, merely a hand up."

Erica Mendoza - Vice President, LULAC Los Angeles Council #3290
"I was told my dreams were impossible, but today, as a first-generation graduate and filmmaker, I stand as proof that perseverance and passion can defy the odds. My journey hasn't been easy, but every challenge has only fueled my determination to tell stories that matter."

The time is long overdue that we fulfill our promise to them. We must do the right thing and allow them to become U.S. citizens if they choose. America, we can do better. We must do better. And together, we will do better.




The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 535 Councils and 145,000 members across the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services, and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting the critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit