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LULAC Fights Corrupt Attempt At Hostile Takeover

Domingo Garcia
LULAC National President
July 30, 2022

“As LULAC national president elected by the league members, I comply with court instructions contained within a temporary restraining order (TRO) issued Friday, July 29, 2022. The TRO has an immediate effect to recess any further business of the league in San Juan, Puerto Rico, effective last night after the presidential banquet.

LULAC is NOT FOR SALE or RENT. We will not let the corruption of the Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) or New Progressive Party, or any partisan political party stain the good name of our organization.

As president, I must protect and defend LULAC from external or internal corrupt threats. In recent weeks, members became aware of significant amounts of monies being funneled into LULAC Puerto Rico to create 'paper councils' to manufacture votes and attempt to seize the national leadership of LULAC and use it for partisan political purposes. Also, these actions were conducted with the foreknowledge that most LULAC members could not attend the national convention because of covid and exorbitant travel expenses beyond their means.

This campaign to seize LULAC is driven by the PNP, primarily allied with the Republican Party in the United States. PNP staunchly advocates statehood for Puerto Rico. That is their right, and we have no issue with any position the people of Puerto Rico take through a fair and open election. However, LULAC has always been non-partisan.

The agenda of the PNP and its supporters is to win at all costs. The PNP's alleged practice and corruption pattern are untenable and a gross violation of the LULAC Constitution, which clearly states our non-partisan tenets. These are reflected across the 93-year history of the league. We will not allow corruption to infiltrate LULAC under my watch, and the TRO enjoins us from conducting any business until a vigorous and transparent investigation is completed. Over 350 new paper councils were created on the island within less than 90 days of the convention. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent to create them, bus people to San Juan, reserve free hotel rooms, and provide free flights from New York.

LULAC shall continue to do the critical work defined within its mission, and our operations will not be interrupted. LULAC has endured many tests during its 93-year history. I thank the real members of LULAC who have loyally stood by the principles of our constitution and ask for their continued support, trust, and faith that this will pass.

I have been a proud member of LULAC since 1983. I am a volunteer like everyone and have not taken a salary or any money since I was elected. In fact, I donated over $300,000 to help keep us afloat since we were $1.3 million in the hole when I was elected. Today we have a sound financial base and growing. Unfortunately, that made us a target.

It is my honor to serve you as national president, and you have my pledge that I will uphold our values and constitution. I know we will win with a strong belief in God, family, and our country. Por qué con ganas y Dios todo se puede. ¡Hasta la victoria!”

Domingo García
LULAC National President


The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit

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