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LULAC 2024 Father’s Day Message

On this Father's Day, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is proud to honor the strength and love of all fathers who are the cornerstone of our families and communities. We celebrate the rich tapestry of traditions, values, and faith that our fathers have woven into the heart of our Latino culture. They have given us life and taught us the meaning of selfless service and the importance of keeping our roots and traditions alive. Today, we pay tribute to their tireless dedication and the countless ways they contribute to our coming generations' well-being and bright future. Happy Father's Day!

Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President
"My father was Alberto 'Beto' Garcia Perez. His was a simple, hardworking man. From a young age, he taught me, 'always keep your word , tu palabra. Con ganas, todo se puede. If you have the will, you can do anything. Always help others when you can.' His words have guided me all my life, and are the values I have taught my sons, Joaquin and Fernando."

Dr. Elba Garcia, LULAC First Lady, County Commissioner – Dallas, Texas
My dad was Brigadier General Hector Ibancovichi Parriego, MD, to whom I say on this Father's Day, 'You gave me the best things in life: Your time, your care, your love, and a beautiful family. You taught me that leading by example with honesty, loyalty, faith, and hard work will help me find happiness. Te extrañamos mucho, mi General. Happy Heavenly Father's Day.'"

Emma Lozano, National Vice President for the Midwest
"Guadalupe Lozano was a proud Mexicano, hardworking, friendly, generous, and a strong union leader in Chicago's steel mills. He taught us that family and fighting for equal rights were important. When my brother Rudy was assassinated, my father said, 'I am honored and blessed to be the father of a freedom fighter; my son but also the son of the people.' We should all be like him. I'm still trying, Daddy."

Lupe Torres, LULAC National Vice-President for Women
“My father, Joseph Torres, had many sayings including, ‘Si proyectas tu proyecto, se quedará sin efecto.’ It will never be realized if you are always talking about what you plan to do. Somebody else will run with it." He was a loving man who lived to the age of 93. He believed strongly in education and said that this is something no one could ever take away from you."

Euler Torres, LULAC National Vice-President for the Northwest "To recognize my father, Arturo Torres is when he quits his job to help you follow your dreams at 18. On that journey, you meet amazing people across the U.S., including some Presidents. He has taught me courage, bravery, and, most importantly, humility. I hope to be a great father like he has been."

Jacob Sandoval, California LULAC State Director
"My father is Jesus Saul Sandoval, and I am thankful he taught me to be a hard worker, do my best, and humble myself to help wherever needed. He came to the U.S. when he was 16, was undocumented with his older sister, and worked in the fields. He eventually started his own business and received his U.S. citizenship. With little formal education, he has accomplished so much."

Hilda Duarte Ramirez, LULAC National Chaplain
"My father, Salvador Ramirez Sr., was very family oriented. We had a big family dinner every Sunday; there were six children. He was an avid soccer fan and a soccer pioneer in Dallas, who coached over one thousand youth between 1963 and about 1983, 20 years! He was a father figure to many boys growing up in downtown Little Mexico. Players earned their way onto the field for a game with excellent grades!"

Dr. Sergio Lira, Houston, Texas LULAC Council President
"In fifth grade, I was not really focused on learning, and asked my dad, Francisco Lira, 'If there is one thing you wish you had, what would it be? When I grow up, I will get it for you.' He was illiterate and an orphan. 'I wish I would have learned English. On the job, I could not defend myself.' That changed me. I refocused in school, studied hard, earned a doctorate in education, and dedicated myself to helping others defend themselves."




The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 535 Councils and 145,000 members across the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services, and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting the critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit