El Pueblo Unido A Resource Guide for Community Leaders, Click Here to read the Resource Guide

Know Your Rights, Click Here for Info

Become a LULAC Member

What is LULAC?

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future

LULAC history

Ninety years ago, a group of Latino leaders formed LULAC to defend the rights and advance the well being of Hispanic Americans. Today LULAC is the largest and most active membership organization serving the Latino community.

LULAC members are the driving force behind significant advancements and improvements to the quality of life for Hispanics across the country Since LULAC's founding, our members have not wavered in their determination to end discrimination and injustice for Hispanics living in the United States. LULAC has developed national and community-based programs to address the needs of the Hispanic community and to ensure that this nation's workforce obtains the necessary education and skills to keep America productive.

As a LULAC member, you will be part of an organization whose members are making a difference through volunteer programs addressing the needs of the Latino community. You will also be part of a nationwide network of community activists who are protecting our civil rights in the areas of immigration, social services, education, and economic opportunity at the local, state, and national levels.

Joining is easy and inexpensive when you consider the benefits of membership:

  • Subscription to the LULAC News; (eMembers not included)
  • Invitation to attend national and local events including our annual convention and exposition and training institutes;
  • Periodic updates on legislative issues and social affairs;
  • A strong and influential national voice supported by thousands of other LULAC members;
  • The opportunity of participating more fully in your community through volunteer activities and local council events;
  • The knowledge that you will make a difference in the Hispanic community at all levels of service...

...And so much more! Simply complete the membership form and mail it with your payment today.

Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

* Charter and membership fees are paid annually. Please note that dues are also required at the district and state level.

** A LULAC Council is an affiliated unit of the League of United Latin American Citizens that is comprised of volunteer members who work within a community..