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Unidos Con Puerto Rico

Virtual Summit Puerto Rico: Unidos Con Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico is experiencing a thirteen-year recession, largely driven by Washington’s federal policies and territorial debt created by laws that historically treat the island as a colony. Adding to man-made factors have been natural disasters including a cataclysmic Hurricane Maria in September 2017 followed by still more hurricanes and earthquakes. These have further weakened Puerto Rico’s economy and health infrastructure, and now its residents are facing the coronavirus pandemic. However, Puerto Ricans have met these tragedies with courage and are leading local efforts to support each other and build community resilience. This panel will focus on how the island of Puerto Rico has been impacted by the novel coronavirus and the inspiring lessons learned from the people of Puerto Rico in their quest to survive and rebuild.

Featured Speakers:
Congressman Darren Soto, U.S. Representative for Florida’s 9th District
Congresswoman Jenniffer González-Colón, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico

David Cruz, Communications Director LULAC

The Honorable José "Quiquito" Meléndez Ortiz, At-Large Member of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives
Carmelo Rios, Puerto Rico Senate
Nelson Torres Yordan, Mayor of Guayanilla Puerto Rico
Elsie Valdes, National Vice President for Women LULAC

Recorded on August 14, 2020
Duration: 57 mins. 36 secs.