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Back to School in 2020?: COVID-19 and the Impact on our Students

Virtual Summit Education: Back to School in 2020?: COVID-19 and the Impact on our Students

The American education system presents a variety of barriers to people of color. Latinos are the largest and most rapidly growing ethnic group in the country. Yet, academically, our Latinx students are lagging far behind their non-Hispanic peers. This panel will discuss the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the public education system serving communities of color, how Latinos are managing distance learning (including high school and college), and practical steps we can take to ensure our students excel in the time of COVID-19.

Featured Speaker:
Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia

Caroline Sanchez Crozier, National Education Chair and Illinois Council 5238 President LULAC

Vanessa Luna, Co-Founder & Chief Program Officer ImmSchools
Mari Corugedo, Florida State Director and National Education Committee Member LULAC
Dr. Ana Gil Garcia, Illinois Education Council 5238 Chair and National Education Committee Member LULAC

Recorded on August 14, 2020
Duration: 56 mins. 3 secs.