Hurricane Milton - A Resource Guide: Click here to read our resource guide on Hurricane Milton

Conexiones Frequently Asked Questions

How many contact hours are sites required to carry out?
Sites must provide a minimum of three (3) hours of programming and one (1) hour of tutoring per month through educational lessons, interactive activities, keynote speakers, tutoring, and more. Sites can provide more than the minimum hours required.

What can funding be used for?
Funding can be used for the line items listed in the recommended budget below:

Additional Guidelines:

  • Program Coordinator Stipend cannot exceed $1,500. If a site chooses to provide monetary compensation for additional services to run the program such as assistant program coordinators, tutors, instructors, mentors, speakers, interns, etc. payment must be allocated from the Program Coordinator Stipend line item. Line items cannot exceed $1,500 per year.
  • Indirect costs cannot exceed $500.
Funding cannot be used for:
  • Subsidizing the cost of health care or child care.
  • Lobbying, advocating, or political activities.
  • Construction, renovating facilities or homes, or payment of rent
  • Subsidizing individuals for the costs of attending professional or personal development conferences.
  • Substituting for funds currently being used to support similar activities.
How many students should I enroll?
We ask that a minimum of 15 students be enrolled in the program.

What resources does LULAC provide?
LULAC will provide an introductory lesson plan and supplemental activities for each curriculum pillar.

How will reporting be handled
Reporting MUST be completed by the site’s designated Program Coordinator no later than the reporting deadlines outlined in the Letter of Agreement. Reports will be submitted via the Google Classroom portal. All reporting templates will be provided by LULAC Institute. Failure to submit reports will result in delays for funding and/or suspension of your program site in severe situations.

What happens if I can not reach the proposed amount of students?
If you cannot reach the proposed amount of students please contact us and we will work with you to see what we can do to help improve student involvement/recruitment.

What if students drop out from the program?
If students drop out of the program, contact us as soon as it begins to discuss our options and what to do next.

Are there reporting templates we need to follow?
Yes,reporting templates will be provided to you by our program coordinators and will be linked in Google Classroom.

What happens if I am no longer able to fulfill my responsibilities as site coordinator?
If this is to occur, please contact us before you stop your responsibilities as coordinator and have your replacement coordinator ready to meet with our team to discuss the next steps.

What is the needed commitment from parents?
Parents are required to submit an entry survey, agree to receive communications from LULAC, as well as encourage and support their child's participation in the program.

What is the media waiver that participants are required to sign?
All program participants are required to sign a media waiver to give permission to LULAC to use any photographs, images, video and/or statements for online and/or printed marketing and/or promotional purposes. Students participating in a virtual setting must also submit a media waiver. Media waivers must be signed by a parent/guardian.

If you have any additional questions, contact