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Conexiones 2021 Sites


Bartow, FL- LULAC Women's Council of Florida #7269

LULAC Women's Council of Florida #7269 caters to the needs of women within their community. Their purpose is to help advance in women’s issues and see their progress. Their vision for this initiative is based solely on the needs lacking within the Polk County Schools and community for young aspiring Latinas. The Conexiones Program will not only open minds, but doors to numerous avenues for these young boys and girls allowing them the opportunity to grow and foster their future careers both academically and professionally. Their vision for this program is not only educational but inspirational. A key ingredient in their council’s mission.

New York

New York, New York- LULAC Council

LULAC Council #23101 in New York  will provide each student participating in the Conexiones program with guidance, knowledge, and confidence to work in the STEM/STEAM fields. With staff, resources and connections, the council will offer lessons on all 8 pillars of internet safety and digital literacy.


El Paso, TX- LNESC El Paso

The mission of LNESC El Paso serves low income families within their community and has had 10 years of experience with Technology Educational Programs. Their mission is to create lifelong learners and leaders within the Hispanic community. LNESC strives to provide the highest quality educational opportunities possible and seeks to develop America’s future workforce by effectively preparing young people for the jobs of the new economy. This will be their second year participating in the Conexiones program as they were one of the two sites in our 2020 pilot cycle. 


Houston, TX- Northside High School

Northside High School’s mission is to promote student creativity, problem solving, resiliency and employability skills through real world, hands-on, college and career readiness community service projects. Their sponsor is also the media club sponsor who has spearheaded and/or assisted the school with grant writing efforts (and included students in the grant writing and implementation process).  Allowing students to proactively research grants applicable to their projects and in turn not only apply but to build social capital. They plan on incorporating the topics that students are already learning about with the curriculum for Conexiones.


Richmond, VA- Richmond Region LULAC Council #4614

Richmond Region LULAC Council #4614 serves the Latino community in their city as well as the surrounding counties in the region. They focus their work on improving the education of Latino students. They have partnered with the Thomas Jefferson High School Robotics Team of Richmond for this cycle.