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Immigration Reform is an American Issue: Blog Carnival

Posted on 02/13/2013 @ 11:02 AM

Published at the LULAC Legislative Conference and Awards Gala, this blog carnival coalesces diverse organizations into a united voice that reflects what this country has long known: America needs immigration reform.

Now is the time to fix our nation’s broken immigration system, which denies a pathway to citizenship, rips families apart,and backlogs millions of immigrant applicants. The participating organizations and think tanks offer different facets that all uphold the eternal truth: immigration reform is an American issue. It is at the core of our society and affects every aspect of our country's well-being.

Click on the links below to read blogs.

Center for American Progress

By: Angela Maria Kelley, Vice President for Immigration Policy, and Ann Garcia, Research & Policy Associate, Immigration

Creating a Road to Citizenship Will Advance Our Nation’s Core Interests

Center for Community Change

By Kica Matos, Director of Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice

The Faces of Immigration Reform

Farmworker Justice

By: Adrienne DerVartanian, Director of Immigration and Labor Rights, Farmworker Justice

Why Farmworkers Support Immigration Reform and So Should You

Immigration Equality

By: Ameesha Sampat,Communications and Operations Coordinator

Time for Fair and Just Immigration – for Everyone


By: Elianne Ramos, Principal and CEO of Speak Hispanic Communications and Vice-Chair of Communications and PR for Latinos in Social Media (LATISM)

Immigration Reform: Let's Get This Done

Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

By: Wade Henderson, Esq., President and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund

Immigration Reform Must Be Humane


By: Lorraine C. Ladish, Editor-in-Chief

On Immigration: What if the Tables Were Turned?

By: Mary Olivella, Chief Strategy Officer

Who Will Speak Up for Melanie?

National Association of Manufacturers

By: Joe Trauger, Vice President, Human Resources Policy

Manufacturers Support CIR

National Restaurant Association

By: Angelo Amador, Vice President, Labor & Workforce Policy

Is it déjà vu all over again?


By: Kristian Ramos, Policy Director of the 21st Century Border Initiative, Immigration Reform

After Investment Our Southwest Border Safer, Pathway to Citizenship In Sight

Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism

By: Rabbi David Saperstein, Director and Counsel

Loving the Stranger


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