LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information

Hate Crimes Surge in U.S. by more than 70%

By Jossie Flor Sapunar on 08/14/2012 @ 10:30 AM

In an interview with Radio Francia Internacional, LULAC National President Margaret Moran expresses grave concern for the dramatic surge of hate crimes in the U.S.

Raphael Morán of Radio Francia Internacional interviewed LULAC National President Margaret Moran on Friday, August 10 to discuss the surge of hate crimes in the United States.

The country has experienced significant demographic developments. In the U.S. Latinos have surged in numbers, making up a sizeable 16% of the population. Black Americans make up nearly 14% of the population; Asians are 4%. That’s not even all of the minorities that reside in the country, but the idea comes across—we are changing. We are truly a mixture of races with a variety of cultures and beliefs.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate groups have seen nearly a 70% rise since 2000, when they totaled no more than 600. Disturbingly, there are also 1,018 hate groups in the nation as of 2010. The growth coincided with the release of the U.S. Census projection that in thirty years, non-Hispanic whites will no longer be the majority. The realization that the white non-Hispanic population will be a minority in the future incites fear and panic among those who feel the effects of the worsening economy.

The First Amendment doesn’t protect us against racist rhetoric. Until an individual actually threatens or harms another, the law doesn’t render any protection to the victim.

Radio host Raphael Morán asked, “Has the welcoming spirit that has characterized the American Dream been abandoned?” National President Moran answered, “As Americans, we want more than just tolerance. All Americans have the same rights and privileges. Being tolerated or simply put up with, without acceptance, without being embraced in the community is unacceptable treatment for ANY American.”

LULAC, a civil rights organization that has propagated American values since its founding in 1929, understands all too well crimes driven by hatred. We work to improve the 16% of the U.S. population that is of Latino descent. We strive to get computer donations to close the digital divide. We work for grants and scholarships to pass onto all youth—regardless of race. We collaborate with and petition to state and federal governments to improve access to health care. We work hard to assure that civil rights are equally dispensed in accordance with the law. We are working to improve the social conditions for the Hispanic Americans in the United States.


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