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Affordable Connectivity Program

LULAC and Heartland Forward have partnered together to help boost outreach in Latino communities and encourage eligible households to apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). We are targeting the following states in the Heartland: Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

What is the ACP?

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a FCC program that helps eligible households pay for internet service and devices. Eligible households can receive up to a $30 per month discount on their internet, $75 per month is your household is on qualifying Tribal lands, and a one time discount up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. One monthly service discount and one device discount is allowed per household.

How can you help?

If your council is in any of the states mentioned above, we invite you to take part in the initiative to help boost outreach in Latino communities and help enroll eligible households into the ACP. 

Councils will be responsible for hosting 4 events with a reach of 500 and enrolling 25 households into the program. Councils will have from February to May 2022 to host their events and a stipend of $1,000-2,500 will be awarded to each participating council.

Apply to be a part of it today!

Chosen councils will receive an outreach toolkit with materials necessary for spreading awareness of the ACP and an informational training webinar. 

To apply to be a part of the initiative, click here

For additional questions please contact Priscilla Garcia, Programs Coordinator at

Learn more about the ACP!

To learn more about the ACP and see if you qualify to enroll in the program, click here.

Helpful Resources

Earlier this month, the White House and FCC announced that over 10 million households are now enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program. With your council's partnership we look to increase this number and help eligible households enroll for access to discounted internet service.  The ACP provides connections for telehealth services, virtual learning, access to government benefits and services and engagement in local issues. Below are more ways that you and your council can help connect your community with the ACP.

Past Trainings

To view the past trainings and presentations, click here.

Spread the Word!

Organizing an event and need information to give out? Download and print ACP flyers here.

Request Printed Materials!

Printed versions of the FCC ACP Outreach Toolkit materials are available with a simple email to Just provide the details for what you need.

Request a Speaker!

If you have a local event coming up or want to train your members to serve as local ambassadors for the ACP you can send a speaker request to

Help Connect!

You can download the English version of the application here or the Spanish version here. Any households applying by mail should also include a Household Worksheet and copies of eligibility documents. Worksheets can be found here in English and Spanish.

Identify your local providers!

Find out which internet providers are providing service in your area here.

Spread the word!

Spread the word about the ACP to everyone around you both online and offline!