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Resolution To Declare California Education in a State of Emergency

Whereas, California education is in a state of emergency, caused by years of decisions made by callous government leaders, college and school district administrators. We, the People of California, have •continuously fought for generations to raise access to education for all. However many gains made, these are challenged by California's incessant non-commitment to public education; and

Whereas, since 2001, California has cut budgets for higher education annually, forcing all school systems to find ways to cut costs and seek other revenue sources.

o Public Universities have not prioritized importance of their students, and instead made them bear the burden of state budget cuts. Since 2001, tuition has gone up by 300%.
o University systems have decreased enrollment during a time when more students are applying to college. This action has forced students, who would have normally attended a CSU or UC, to attend local colleges first, thus contributing to more overcrowding in Community Colleges.
o In fact, CSU Board of Trustees announced it will freeze most CSU admissions for Spring 2013, while also approving salaries of two CFU Presidents to $300,000.
o Although UC system reports an increase of Chicano/Latino and Africa American student applications, increased demand from these ethnic groups have been unable to be accommodated.

Whereas, the State of California's refusal to prioritize the value of Public Education and its resulting increase in educational costs have made attainment of a full education virtually inaccessible to a whole generation of California youth. Students are forced to endure economic hardship and policy barriers at every level of the education system. Students have had limited access to schools in California, whose leadership has blatantly ignored the education needs of ALL its people. This evident disregard for equality has resulted in the suffering not only of students, but of their parents, teachers, and the community; and

Whereas, we the People of California cannot afford to lose an entire generation of our youth.

Therefore, be it resolved that California LULAC demand the Governor, California Emergency Management Agency, government leaders, college and school district administrators immediately respond to this crisis, and work to fix this man-made disaster!

Approved this 30th day of June 2012.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President