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Policy Platform and Priorities

LULAC Education Policy Platform Overview

LULAC believes that universal and quality public education is the foundation for lifelong success, and strongly opposes any measure that denies education as a fundamental right, including that of immigrant children. School curricula and textbooks should reflect culturally based teaching methods grounded in research. LULAC supports legislation and policy decisions targeted at decreasing the Hispanic dropout rate and closing of the achievement gap. LULAC urges Congress to increase funding to implement targeted programs to encourage Hispanic students to remain in school.

Federal funding for LULAC National Education Service Centers (LNESC) should be continued so as to address the specific needs of our community, as well as to expand into geographic areas not currently served. Federal funding for Head Start, Migrants and Seasonal Head Start, Gear Up, TRIO, Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), HEP-CAMP, Title I and Title III programs should be increased and access should be expanded to ensure high participation of Latino children. LULAC supports increased funding for Title I, Title III and Title VII programs to address adult basic educational programs and bilingual education. LULAC also supports an effective and appropriate bilingual education program for all English language learners.

LULAC strongly opposes vouchers and any other funding method that will limit public education resources. All Latinos should have access to safe, quality and desegregated public education. Public schools should be improved and rehabilitated, and be provided with adequate funding to do so. LULAC supports full-funding of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and urges Congress to reauthorize ESEA with community input. LULAC supports an increase in funding for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) of higher education. LULAC supports an increase in the number of Latino educators at all levels of education, administrators and school board members, as well as teacher training and development programs to encourage Latinos to become teachers.

LULAC will fight against harsh discipline practices and zero tolerance policies that remove students from the classroom and keep them from learning.

LULAC membership advocates that scholarship awards be provided to qualified persons regardless of their citizenship status.

Our Issues

LULAC works to advance the educational attainment of Latinos by engaging the community in advocacy and policy efforts at the local, state, and federal level. Read the policy initiatives below.

  • Head Start Program - Officially launched in 1965 as a program under the Department of Health and Human Services, the Head Start Program provides comprehensive education, health, and nutrition services to low-income pre-school aged children across the United States. Expanding Head Start to more children and expanding parent education and support programs are a priority to LULAC.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) - First signed into law in 1965 under the Lyndon Baines Johnson Administration and known most recently as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the ESEA is the landmark and most far-reaching federal legislation passed by Congress. ESEA authorizes primary and secondary education pro- grams which include teacher development, assistance for under- served populations, support for migrant and seasonal students, English Language Learners, and much more.
  • Higher Education Act (HEA) - First signed into law in 1965 under the Lyndon Baines Johnson Administration, the HEA is the signature higher education legislation authorizing higher education financial aid and support programs under TRIO-GEAR UP, Talent Search, Upward Bound, and others. Strengthening the Pell grant, lowering interest rates on student loans, and expanding work study are some of the priorities for LULAC.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)- Originally signed into law in 1975 under a different name, this primary law authorizes resources and support services for children with learning disabilities.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waivers (ESEA Waivers)- The U.S. Department of Education has granted waivers to states exempt- ing them from specific requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 in exchange for rigorous and comprehensive State-developed plans designed to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction. LULAC is particularly focused on ensuring that states who receive waivers implement strong accountability plans that re- quire interventions and support for struggling students.
  • Common Core State Standards (CCSS) - The CCSS are a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts and mathematics. The standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared for college programs and the workforce. Educational standards help teachers ensure their students have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful by providing clear goals for student learning. LULAC is engaged in various education campaigns across states like New Mexico and Florida to ensure that the Latino community is in- formed about the CCSS and to provide feedback and recommendations to better improve the implementation of the new standards and corresponding assessments.
  • Other issues: Graduation – Financial Aid – Employment Training STEM Education and Careers – Vocational and Technical Training

LATEST LULAC Policy Activity

05/06/2014: LULAC Letter to Congress Supporting Race to the Top for Equity and Opportunity. Read the letter here.

05/05/2014: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in writing a brief supporting LGBT rights. Read the letter here.

04/30/2014: LULAC, along with 150 other organizations, signed on to a letter that was submitted as a comment for the federal registar on the 2015 Edition Electronic Health Record Standards and Certification Criteria Proposed Rule. Read the letter here.

04/29/2014: LULAC sends letter to Senate Expressing Support for Passage of the Minimum Wage Fairness Act. Read the letter here.

04/09/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress Expressing Support for Passage of Emergency Unemployment Legislation. Read the letter here.

04/03/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress expressing opposition to changing full time employee status for the Affordable Care Act. Read the letter here.

04/02/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress expressing support for Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

03/26/2014: LULAC sends letter to Secretary Sebelius requesting an extension past March 31st for the Affordable Care Act enrollment period. Read the letter here.

03/26/2014: LULAC sends letter to President Obama requesting an extension past March 31st for the Affordable Care Act enrollment period.  Read the letter here.

03/18/2014: LULAC sends letter to Senator Diane Feinstein expressing opposition to Senate voucher bills.  Read the letter here.

03/18/2014: LULAC sends safe schools letter to Congress expressing support for SNDA and SSIA.  Read the letter here.

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 education advocacy sheet. 

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 health care advocacy sheet. 

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 immigration advocacy sheet. 

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 Puerto Rico advocacy sheet.

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 ENDA advocacy sheet.

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 Voting Rights Act advocacy sheet.

02/27/2014: LULAC 2014 Legislative Conference advocacy sheets now available.  Click here for 2014 LNESC advocacy sheet.

02/26/2014: LULAC sends letter to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer urging a veto of the discriminatory "Religious Freedom Restoration Act."  Read the letter here.

02/25/2014: LULAC issues call asking membership to contact the House of Representatives and urge them to get immigration reform over the finish line!   Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

02/25/2014: LULAC issues call asking membership to contact the House of Representatives and urge them to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act!   Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

02/25/2014: LULAC issues call asking membership to contact the Federal Communications Commission and weigh in on the importance of expanding and modernizing E-Rate.  Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

02/12/2014: LULAC issues call asking membership to contact U.S. Senate to urge the defeat of language resembling Senator Ayotte's child tax credit proposal which would prevent millions of Latino children from accessing child tax credit resources. Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

02/12/2014- LULAC sends letter to Senate urging rejection of language resembling Senator Ayotte's child tax credit proposal which would prevent millions of Latino children from accessing child tax credit resources. Read the letter here.

02/11/2014- As co-chair of the Hispanic Education Coalition, LULAC signs letter to Senate urging the defeat of language resembling Senator Ayotte's child tax credit proposal which would prevent millions of Latino children from accessing child tax credit resources. Read the letter here.

02/07/2014: LULAC leads health care coalition working to push Governors in 24 states to expand Medicaid.   Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

FEBRUARY- Read the latest edition of the LULAC Education Enewsletter.  Click here to read the enewsletter.

01/28/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress urging for the passage of critical nutrition assistance program legislation.  Read the letter here.

01/28/2014: LULAC signs letter to Texas State Board of Education Regarding STEM graduation requirements.  Read the letter here.

01/15/2014: LULAC sends letter to House and Senate Members urging the immediate passage of legislation funding emergency unemployment insurance legislation. Read the letter here.

JANUARY 2014 : Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

DECEMBER 2013 : Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

NOVEMBER 2013 : Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

11/15/2013: LULAC sends action alert requesting that members contact the House of Representatives and urge them to support the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Click here to participate in action alert.

OCTOBER 2013 : Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

10/03/2013: LULAC advocates on the Hill press Congress on critical issues related to education reform.  Read the LULAC ACTober 2013 fact sheet here.

SEPTEMBER 2013: Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

09/20/2013: LULAC submits comment for the Federal Register providing recommendations for the Department of Education’s request for information to inform the Title III Technical Assistance Agenda and the Future Activities and Services of the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA). Read the comment here.

09/19/2013: LULAC sends letter to House of Representatives expressing opposition to FY14 Continuing Resolution that aims to defund the Affordable Care Act and does nothing to end the sequestration cuts. Read the letter here.

09/19/2013: LULAC sends letter to House of Representatives expressing opposition to H.R. 3102, a House Republican measure that reauthorizes nutrition programs but cuts almost 10 times more from programs like SNAP than the measure approved in the Senate.  Read the letter here.

09/16/2013: LULAC sends letter to Federal Communications Commission regarding ConnectED Initiative and E-Rate Program expressing modernization and expansion.  Letter was signed by 46 organizations.   Read the letter here.

09/12/2013: LULAC sends letter to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan regarding the Department’s ELL data collection efforts following a report from the Government Accountability Office highlighting lack of reporting and shortage of data on charter schools.  Read the letter here.

09/11/2013 : LULAC Sends Letter to Congress On Negative Impact of Sequester, Urges Congress to Repeal Sequester in FY 14.  Read the letter here.

AUGUST 2013 : Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

08/27/2013: LULAC sends letter to Members of Congress regarding the release of ESEA White Paper raising concerns about the lack of strong accountability in states with ESEA waivers.  Read the letter here.

08/27/2013: LULAC joins 9 other civil rights organizations in releasing a white paper analyzing the Department of Education's ESEA Waiver system.  White paper raises concerns regarding the rigor of state accountability systems.  Read the white paper here.

08/19/2013: LULAC co-signs letter sent by over 40 organizations to U.S. Department of Education regarding civil rights data collection. Read the letter here.

07/24/2013: LULAC sends a letter to the PARCC Governing Board and Achieve, Inc. expressing the need for a Spanish language version of the CCSS-aligned assessment. Read the letter here.

7/18/2013: LULAC sends Members of Congress specific vote recommendations on various amendments being considered on the floor of the House on H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2013. Read the letter here.

07/15/2013: LULAC co-signs letter with other organizations addressing criticisms Regarding the Department of Justice and Department of Education’s Enforcement of Title IX and the Nomination of Tom Perez for Secretary of Labor. Read the letter here.

07/15/2013: LULAC co-signs Letter with other organizations to Senate Appropriations Committee regarding funding for school police. Read the letter here.

07/11/2013: LULAC sends letter to House Education and Workforce Chairman, John Kline, expressing opposition to H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2013. Read the letter here.

07/11/2013: LULAC sends letter to House Education and Workforce Ranking Member, George Miller, expressing support for the substitute amendment to H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2013. Read the letter here.

07/9/2013: LULAC co-signs Letter with other civil rights organizations to Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee regarding the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

07/01/2013: LULAC co-signs Letter with other organizations regarding E-Rate program. Read the letter here.

JULY 2013: Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

04/18/2013: LULAC co-signs Letter with other civil rights organizations to Congress regarding the Student Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

04/03/2013: LULAC sends letter to Texas Senate expressing opposition to lowering graduation requirements. Read the letter here.

To read letters co-led by LULAC as part of the Hispanic Education Coalition, click here.

Archived Advocacy Resources

04/01/2011: LULAC Co-signs letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressing opposition to Foxx-Kline amendment to FY11 Continuing Appropriations bill. Read the letter here.

03/28/2011: LULAC issues piece on Science Education and Latinos. Read the piece here.

02/01/2011: LULAC issues FY2012 Appropriations priorities funding requests related to education. Read copy of fact sheet here.

02/16/2011: LULAC and COE send letter to Congress expressing opposition to H.R. 1 appropriations bill gutting education, health care, employment, and other services for under-served populations. Read the letter here.

01/26/2011: LULAC co-signs letter with broad coalition of more than 35 organizations that advocate for civil rights, consumers, veterans, students and college access today sent a letter to President Obama urging his administration to issue a strong and enforceable “gainful employment” rule.  The letter points out: “Numerous investigations have revealed pervasive abuses by some career education programs: deceptive and aggressive recruiting of students; inflated job placement rates and false reporting to authorities; overstatement of a program’s value and understatement of its high cost; and dismal completion rates. Too many of these programs are preying on low-income students, minority students, and veterans who are seeking to further their education and, by doing so, enhance their employment opportunities.” Read the letter here.

01/01/2011: LULAC Releases the Education Advocacy Toolkit, a guide to equip education advocates with the tools necessary to advocate for education reform at the local, state and/or federal level. Read a copy of the toolkit here.

05/13/2010: LULAC produces draft TX plan to transform ELL education. Read a copy of the draft plan here.

03/26/2010: LULAC and many other education reform advocacy organizations submitted ESEA priorities and recommendations to the House Education and Labor subcommittee in response to Congress' attempt to reauthorize NCLB in 2010. LULAC’s recommendations cover the areas of academic assessments and accommodations, accountability, graduation rates, middle school interventions, family engagement, teaching of, and support for teachers, of English Language Learners and charter schools. Read copy of the recommendations here.

09/01/2010: LULAC sends letter to Secretary Arne Duncan regarding proposed gainful employment rule.  Cites concerns about deceptive practices by some institutions.  Read the letter here.