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Higher Education Issues

Higher Education Taskforce

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Latina/o Equity in U.S. Higher Education: A National Campaign for Equity Assessment Policy Virtual Town Hall
Recorded on October 13, 2020
Duration: 1 hr. 26 mins. 35 secs.


• Hispanic Equity Report: click here »
• Policy Memorandum by Emilio Zamora Ph.D.: click here »
• Austin American-Statesman, Nov.3, 2019, Editorial Board, “EDITORIAL: UT Must Show Hispanic Faculty Are Valued, Needed
• Houston Chronicle, Jan.22, 2020, Editorial Board, “EDITORIAL: Why Can’t UT Austin Hire, Keep Latino Faculty?
• UNIVISION TV, Nov.22, 2019, Mariana Veraza, “Denuncian pagos injustos para profesores hispanos en la UT en Austin
• NBC News, Nov.25, 2019, Suzanne Gamboa, “Latino Professors at the University of Texas are Paid Less, Few are in Leadership, Study Finds