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Affirmative Action

LULAC supports equal opportunity for employment, promotion and contracting, and opposes discrimination of any form in the workplace and supports affirmative action as a set of positive steps that employers use to promote equal employment opportunities. LULAC remains committed to fighting efforts to overturn decisions that have upset affirmative action programs across the country.

LULAC will ensure that information on affirmative action will be updated to reflect the latest changes from the Office of Personnel Management. OPM shall provide LULAC with pertinent data affecting affirmative action policies. If such data is not received LULAC will request such information from the Hispanic Senior Executive Service members and/or using Freedom of Information Act requests.



Recognizing that the Census Bureau has a very poor record of hiring Hispanics in the federal government with Latinos comprising less than 6 percent of the Bureau’s permanent work force, LULAC urges that the Census Bureau’s EEO Office establish a system to assess its failure to identify the persistent under representation of Hispanics in the Bureau’s work and develop effective strategies for addressing this problem in order to increase future problem-solving capacities. LULAC strongly supports a standardized review of the Census’ managers and supervisors based in part, on their performance with respect to EEO issues like the hiring a diversified employment force, including Hispanics.

LULAC supports Census to provide the Hispanic Census Committee with timely and transparent data on the recruitment and hiring of Hispanics for each of the 12 regional offices and each state that it represents, by grade level, and job title, on a monthly basis.

LULAC takes a strong position in urging the Census Bureau to include and emphasize in its presentations, community activities, and written promotional materials, its assurance to LULAC, and the Hispanic Community that the information gathered is completely confidential, Under Title 13, the Census Bureau collects data solely to produce statistics.


Media Diversity

LULAC strongly advocates for the increase of Hispanic-oriented programming in all facets of the media and demands that more high-level decision-making positions be made available to Hispanics at major media companies and networks. Programs should provide a positive and accurate portrayal of the cultural breadth of Latinos and their contributions to the United States.

LULAC encourages the FCC to require broadcasters to provide better Latino programming and representation in prime-time slots throughout the day as part of their public service obligations. LULAC supports Children’s programming that acknowledges that the Latino population and cultures are an integral part of US society.
