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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.


11/18/20- LULAC and 238 undersigned community, civil rights, climate, health, consumer, labor, and student advocacy organizations write to urge the Biden administartion to boost the economy, tackle racial disparities, and provide much-needed stimulus to help all Americans weather the pandemic and the associated recession by using executive authority to cancel federal student debt on Day One of the administration. To view letter click here.

8/19/20- LULAC and 36 multicultural organizations and companies support congressional efforts to close the streaming loophole. To view letter click here.

8/16/17- LULAC along with the #NoWallCoalition comprised of 160 organizations representing civil rights, faith, envioronmental, indigenous, LGBT, and border communties publish an advocacy Tool Kit against Trump's border wall and mass deportation agenda. To view letter click here.

LULAC sends letters to DHS Acting Secretary Elaine C. Duke urging DHS to take immediate action to stop the deportation of Miguel Perez, Jr., a decorated army veteran and legal permanent resident. To view letter click here.

LULAC sends letter to Governor Rick Scott expressing concerns regarding Florida's accountability plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (2015). LULAC urges the Florida Department of Education to adhere to the letter of the law and ensure that its state plan fully accounts for the success of all students. To view letter click here.

8/8/17- LULAC sends letter to Pam Stewart, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education expressing concerns regarding Florida's accountability plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (2015). LULAC urges the Florida Department of Education to adhere to the letter of the law and ensure that its state plan fully accounts for the success of all students. To view letter click here.

8/2/17- LULAC sends letter to U.S Department of Education expressing concerns regarding ongoing reports that states are drafting accountability plans that include requests for waivers to key provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) aimed at protecting underserved students. LULAC National is concerned with Florida's drafted ESSA plan that is requesting waivers to exempt the state from key federal provisions, including its responsibility regarding native language assessments. To view letter click here

8/2/17 - LULAC sends letter to U.S House of Representative expressing concerns regarding ongoing reports that states are drafting accountability plans that include requests for waivers to key provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) aimed at protecting underserved students. LULAC National is concerned with Florida's drafted ESSA plan that is requesting waivers to exempt the state from key federal provisions, including its responsibility regarding native language assessments. To view letter click here.

8/2/17- LULAC sends letter to U.S Senate expressing concerns regarding ongoing reports that states are drafting accountability plans that include requests for waivers to key provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) aimed at protecting underserved students. LULAC National is concerned with Florida's drafted ESSA plan that is requesting waivers to exempt the state from key federal provisions, including its responsibility regarding native language assessments. To view letter click here

7/31/17 - LULAC signs onto letter sent to the Senate opposing the confirmation of Eric Dreiband to serve as Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S Department of Justice. Mr. Dreiband has no known experience working on most of the Civil Rights Division's core responsibilities, such as voting rights, police reform, housing, education and hate crimes. To view letter click here.

7/26/17- LULAC signs onto letter sent to the Judiciary Committee opposing the "Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2017 (H.R 391). This bill would lead to the deportation of legitimate refugees with well-founded fears of persecution, leave others in immigration detention for months, and put children at serious risk of return to trafficking, persecution, or death in their home countries. To view letter click here

7/25/17- LULAC signs onto letter sent to Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Ryan and Leader Pelosi to urge Congress to support our nation's students by continuing the annual indexation of Pell Grants to inflation. To view letter click here.

7/19/17 - LULAC send letter to Congress to oppose any legislative attempts to keep funding the construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, the expansion of a Trump deportation force, and the increase of detention beds in immigrant incarceration center. The letter also expresses deep concerns with the Fiscal Year 18 Department of Homeland Security Appropriation bill and other security related bills. To view letter click here .

LULAC signs onto to letter sent to Secretary DeVos to show support of existing U.S Department of Education policy guidance clarifying schools' responsibility to prevent and address sex discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments Acts of 1972. The Department’s Title IX guidance letters and enforcement have been vital in the effort to ensure that students do not face discrimination in school, based on sex. We urge the Department to continue helping schools understand their legal obligations—for example, by reiterating its continued support for existing guidance letters. To view letter click here.

LULAC sends letter to DHS Secretary John Kelly opposing the potential appointment of Sheriff David Clarke to homeland security post. To view letter click here .

LULAC signs onto letter sent to Dominic J. Mancini, the Acting Administrator of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget to submit comments and recommendations in response to the notice published in the Federal Register on April 11, 2017 regarding the proposed information collection for the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH). To view letter click here.

LULAC signs onto letter sent to Governor Abbott expressing strong disappointment over the enactment of S.B 4, a bill that threatens to drastically and unwisely expand the involvement of state and local law enforcement authorities in the enforcement of federal immigration laws. To view letter click here.

- LULAC signs onto letter to sent to Chairman Thad Cochran, Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen, Vice Chair Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Nita Lowey of Committee of Appropriations regarding appropriations bill (Labor-HHS). LULAC along with the other 800 organizations urge the committee to increase fiscal year 2018 302(b) subcommittee allocations for programs and services under the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education. To view letter click here.

5/8/17- LULAC signs onto letter urging Secretary John Kelly to abandon any plans to pursue an expansion of the immigration detention system. The immigration detention system lacks accountability for its abuses. To view letter .

4/28/17 -
LULAC signs on to letter sent to Office of the U.S. Chief Statistician, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and Office of Management and Budget to provide comments in response to proposal from the Federal Interagency Working Group (“Working Group”) for Revision of the Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (“Standards”). To view letter
click here.

4/27/17- LULAC signs onto letter sent to the U.S House of Representatives and U.S Senate asking Congress to stop the assault of our neighbors, our families, our students and our schools. LULAC along with the other undersigned organizations call for Members of Congress to build schools, not wall. To view letter
click here.

4/26/17- LULAC signs onto to letter sent to Secretary Betsy DeVos urging to ensure that children receive the support and attention they deserve through the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As states submit their plans it is important that they meet the intent of the law. To view letter
click here.

4/24/17- LULAC sign onto letter sent to Secretary Betsy DeVos expressing deep concern on the Department of Education seriousness in protecting students from discrimination and ensuring equal access to education. LULAC along with the other undersigned organizations urge Secretary DeVos to nominate an individual with a track record of experience with a range of civil right issues to serve as the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights. To view letter
click here.

4/24/17- LULAC signs onto letter sent to Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions expressing deep concern about the Department of Education's seriousness in approaching its central responsibility to protect students from discrimination and ensure equal access to education. LULAC along with the other undersigned organizations urge Secretary Devos to nominate a qualified individual to serve as Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights. To view letter
click here.

- LULAC sends letter to Senator Sanders expressing support for the College for All Act of 2017 legislation that would eliminate tuition and fees at public four-year colleges and universities for those making up to $125,000. The College for All Act of 2017 would also make colleges tuition and fee free for all students. To view letter
click here.

3/23/17- LULAC signs on to letter urging Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Ryan and Leader Pelosi to reject the excessive and unnecessary supplemental funding request for detention and deportation programs, as well as the border wall. To view letter
click here.

3/23/17- LULAC signs onto letter sent to Members of Congress regarding the BLM Methane and Waste Prevention Rule and the protection of Latino communities. Latinos are disproportionately affected by the health impacts of oil and gas development. To view letter
click here.

3/23/17- LULAC leads coalition of other civil rights, faith, environmental, and indigenous organizations and communities to send letters to Member of Congress expressing opposition for any effort to expand the border between the United States and Mexico under the Border Security and Immigration Improvement Executive Order (1/25/17). To view letter
click here.

3/23/17 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations sends letter to Director Watt and Secretary Mnuchin expressing concern and urging immediate action on the declining capital buffer at the government sponsored enterprises- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. To view letter
click here.

3/22/17- LULAC, along with 184 civil rights organizations send letter to Secretary Kelly expressing opposition towards proposed policy that will separate family members at the border. To view letter
click here.

3/22/17- LULAC along with environmental organizations send testimony to Chairman Graves and Ranking Member Napolitano in response to the Subcommittee's hearing on "Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America: The Role of Federal Agencies in Infrastructure." to view testimony
click here.

3/22/17- LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations sends letters to Members of Congress expressing strong support for the continued implementation and enforcement of important Education Department accountability provisions. These provisions are designed to protect students and taxpayers from unmanageable student debt and waste, fraud and abuse in higher education. To view letter
click here.

3/20/17- LULAC signs on to letter sent to Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein expressing opposition to the confirmation of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to be the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. To view letter
click here.

3/16/17 -LULAC sends letters to the United States Senate expressing support for the Protecting the Rights of Families and Immigrants who Legally Entered from Detention (PROFILED) Act. To view letter
click here.

3/07/17- LULAC signs onto letter sent to Chairman Chaffetz and Ranking Member Cummings if the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee expressing opposition to the re-authorization of the District of Columbia private school voucher program. To view letter
click here.

2/9/17- LULAC sends letters to Members of Congress to take immediate action to address the plight of U.S veterans and their families facing deportation. To view letter
click here.

2/8/17- LULAC sends letters to the United State Senate expressing strong opposition to the nomination of Elisabeth
"Betsy" Devos as the next U.S Secretary of Education. To view letter
click here.

2/2/17- LULAC sends letters to Members of Congress expressing opposition to any effort to spend taxpayer money on the construction of a wall on the America's U.S- Mexico border. To view letter
click here.

1/30/17- LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations send letter to Chairman Alexander, Ranking Member Murray and Members of the U.S senate HELP committee reiterating our deep and continued concerns regarding the nomination of Ms. Betsy DeVos for U.S Secretary of Education. To view letter
click here.

1/30/17- LULAC signs on to letter with 247 organizations sent to the United States Senate opposing the confirmation of Betsy Devos to be the next U.S Secretary of Education. To view letter
click here.

1/17/17- LULAC sends letters to the United States Senate expressing strong opposition to the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General, Scott Pruitt as the next Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To view letter
click here.

- LULAC sends letters to Members of Congress urging them to support the Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy (BRIDGE) Act of 2016. To view letter
click here.

4/5/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs opposing vouchers in legislation related to Indian education. Click here to view letter.

3/30/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the President Obama regarding importance of directing Department of Education to issue clear guidance to school disricts across the country to address potential discrimination of LGBT individuals as a result of North Carolina's HB2. Click here to view the letter.

3/30/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Homeland Security and President Obama asking for an immediate halt to the deportation of Central American refugees as part of "Operation Border Guardian". Click here to view the letter.

3/23/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter appropriators expessing support for Alzheimer's funding. Click here to view Senate letter. Click here to view House letter.

- LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, submits a comment in the federal register related to discrimination in programs and activities funded by the EPA. Click here to view the letter.

- LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Education expressing support for strong borrower protections - including the discharging of loans for students who have been defrauded by for-profit entities. Click here to view the letter.

- LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Education expressing opposition to pre-dispute arbitration clauses. Click here to view the letter.

3/4/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Education expressing strong support for robust federal oversight of state accountability plans. Click here to view the letter.

- LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Education providing a list of nominees to serve in the negotiated rule making process corresponding to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Click here to view the letter.

2/22/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Senate Appropriators regarding HHS 302b funding for FY2017. Click here to view letter.

2/22/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Homeland Security expressing concern regarding the waiving of non-discrimination provisions for Visa programs. Click here to view letter.

1/11/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice regarding the recent deportation raids of Central American Migrants. Click here to view letter in English.

1/5/16 - LULAC, along with other civil rights organizations, sends letter to the Department of Homeland Secuirty and the Department of Justice regarding the recent deportation raids of Central American Migrants. Click here to view letter in English. Click here to view letter in Spanish.

LULAC sends letter to Members of Congress urging them to oppose all harmful immigration appropriations riders. To view letter click here

LULAC urges Congress to vote no on the Every Student Succeeds Act. Bill aims to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act but does not fully address the issues of subgroup accountability, resource equity, need for better data, and robust oversight role of the Department of Education. To read the letter, click here.

LULAC signs onto letter sent to the EPA on oil and gas rule. This letter shows support for EPA's proposed methane pollution standard for the oil and gas industry. Click here to view letter

LULAC joins civil rights organizations in submitting an amicus brief in support of strong regulations protecting students from the fraudulent practices of for-profit colleges and universities. To view Amicus Brief click here

LULAC signs onto to Climate Change letter along with other Latino leaders sent to the Members of Congress. Click here to view letter

LULAC along with 120 organzations signs onto coalition letter supporting STD prevention funding in FY2016 Appropriations bill. To view letter click here

LULAC signs onto letter sent to Members of Congress asking them to ensure the FY2016 Appropriations agreement passed includes the full $350 million in Alzheimer's disease research funding approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee. To view letter click here

LULAC sends letter to U.S House of Representatives to encourage congressional action to protect and promote mobile connectivity by creating a robust pipeline of licensed and unlicensed spectrum. Internent connectibity is vital for the Latino community. To view letter click here.

LULAC signs onto an amicus brief filed by MALDEF with the U.S Supreme Court in Fisher v. University of Texas in support of UT's holistic admissions plan. Click here to view amicus brief.

LULAC signs onto an an amicus brief filed by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Southern Poverty Law Center with the U.S Supreme Court in Fisher v. University of Texas in support of UT's holistic admissions plan. The argument is that racial diversity is critical in higher education because race plays an enduring role in American society and informs individual perspectives. Clck here to view brief.

LULAC sends letter to the Senate Homeland Secuity and Governmental Affairs Committee opposing the Reauthorization of the DC Voucher Program. Click here to view letter.

- LULAC sends letter to Senator Mazie Hirono to express support for the Health Equity and Access under the Law (HEAL) for Immigrant Women and Families Act of 2015. Please read letter here.

10/28/15 -
LULAC along with 351 Organizations sent letters to Members of Congress to co-sponsor the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act. The Family Act would create a national family and medical leave insurance program that would strengthen the workforce, families, businesses and our economy. Please read letter here.

LULAC sends letter to Majority Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell and Minority Senate Leader Harry Reid on the Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act (S.2146). LULAC urges Senators McConnell and Reid to vote no on Stop Sanctuary Polices and Protect Americans Act. This bill does not offer any solutions and instead targets localities that have adopted community trust policies. Please read letter here

LULAC sends letter to D.C Representative to voice opposition to H.R 10, the reauthorization of the District of Columbia private school vocher program. The D.C voucher prgram fails to offer D.C students better educstional resources, greater opportunities for academic achievement. Please read letter here.

LULAC sends letter to San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor expressing support for community trust building policies that create a welcoming environment for all Latinos, immigrant and non-immigrant. Letter also directs the Mayor to a LULAC resolution in support of sanctuary cities. Read the letter here. Read the lulac resolution on sanctuary cities here.

LULAC sends letter to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley expressing concern about the shuttering of 31 driver's license offices in underserved areas with high concentrations of minority voters. Urges the Governor to use emergency funds to keep those offices open. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to the Senate opposing S. 2146 proposed by Senator Vitter. The legislation would compel local law enforcement to perform federal immigration duties, undermining community trust-building policies. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to House and Senate highlighting key language that must be incorporated into the final version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as conferees consolidate bills in conference. Read the House letter here.

9/15/15- LULAC sends letter to House and Senate expressing support for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and expressing opposition to efforts that would repeal, defund, or undermine the enrollment of Latinos in health insurance coverage. Read the House letter here.

9/15/15- LULAC sends letter to House and Senate expressing support for legislation creating a path for Puerto Rico to become the 51st state in the union. Read the House letter here.

9/15/15- LULAC sends letter to House and Senate expressing support for legislation repealing the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision. Read the House letter here.
9/15/15- LULAC sends letter to House and Senate expressing support for The Equality Act and increased support for programs serving homeless and runaway youth. Read the House letter here.

LULAC joins 207 other organizations in sending letter to House and Senate leaders urging them to reject any policy riders that strip local fair housing organizations and the federal government of the resources and tools they need to protect Americans from housing discrimination. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to House and Senate expressing opposition to language in the FY2016 DHS Appropriation bills requiring a 34,000 ICE detention bed quota. Read the House letter here.

LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending letter to President Obama opposing new detention facility slated to hold LGBT immigrants. Read the letter here.

8/3/15- LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending a letter to House and Senate expressing support for Voting Rights Act legislation. Read the letter here.

7/31/15- LULAC signs onto coalition letter opposing all efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. Read the letter here.

7/22/15- LULAC signs onto coalition letter urging the NO vote to the "“Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act" (H.R. 3009). Read the letter here.

LULAC State Director for Iowa Jospeh Enriquez Henry pens op-ed urging the support of Latino students through a strong federal education law. Read the article here.

LULAC Virginia State Director writes op-ed urging fixes to the Every Child Achieves Act. Read the letter here.

7/15/15- LULAC signs onto joint NHLA and HEC letter supporting Senator Murphy’s Subgroup Accountability Amendment. Read the letter here.

7/15/15- LULAC writes letter urging Senate to support Accountability, Resource Equity, and Cross Tab Amendments in the Every Child Achieves Act. Read the letter here.

7/14/15- LULAC signs onto coalition letter to Senate urging the passage of the Murphy-Booker-Warren-Coons-Durbin Accountability Amendment #2241 to the Every Child Achieves Act, S.1177. Read the letter here.

7/10/15- LULAC writes letter to the Senate urging the opposition of the Isakson, Lee, Paul, and Vitter Amendments. Read the letter here.

7/8/15- LULAC writes letter to the House of Representatives urging the opposition of the Walker and Salmon Amendments. Read the letter here.

7/8/15- LULAC signs onto coalition letter to Senate urging the support of the Kirk-Reed-Baldwin-Brown Resource Equity Amendment to S. 1177. Read the letter here.

7/8/15- LULAC signs onto letter opposing the A-PLUS Act and Voucher Amendments to H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2015. Read the letter here.

7/7/15- LULAC sings on to coalition letter urging the Senate to pass Senator Franken's Student Non-Discrimination Act as part of the Every Child Achieves Act. Read the letter here.

7/6/15- LULAC signs onto coalition letter asking the Department of Justice to issue guidance on gender-biased policing of sexual assault and domestic violence cases. Read the letter here.

7/1/15- LULAC signs-on to letter urging the Senate to reconsider funding cuts to sexual health programs. Read the letter here.

6/22/15- LULAC joins other Latino advocacy organizations and the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda in opposing the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA). Read the letter here.

6/22/15- LULAC joins other civil rights organizations and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights in opposing the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA). Read the letter here.

6/19/15- LULAC sends letter to the Government of the Dominican Republic expressing concern regarding deportation plans of unregistered migrants. Read the letter here.

6/11/15- LULAC joins Latino Health Coalition in a letter urging HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell to protect women's health and access to contraception. Read the letter here.

6/10/15- LULAC pens letter to Senate highlighting four major fixes that must be incorporated to the current version of the Every Child Achieves Act. The fixes include: adding language addressing subgroup accountability, resource equity, data disaggregation, and the federal role. Read the letter here.

5/22/15- LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes writes commentary in partnership with the leadership of the National Urban League and the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center warning of how changes to federal education laws will undermine civil rights protections. Read the piece here.

5/13/15- LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending letter to members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee opposing reauthorization of the D.C School Voucher Program. Read the letter here.

5/11/15- LULAC signs onto coaliiton letter urging President Obama to put a stop to family detentions. Read the letter here.

5/6/15- LULAC Vice President of the Midwest, Darrlyn Morin, provides written testimony for hearing on Wisconsin Assembly Bill 194, that would require highschool students to pass civics test before graduation. Click here to read the testimony.

5/6/15- LULAC signs onto op-ed opposing opt-out testing. Read the letter here.

4/30/15- LULAC signs on to coalition letter to the House opposing H.J. Res 43, the resolution of disapproval to block DC's Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

4/27/15- LULAC sends written testimony to U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security regarding Birthright Citizenship. Click here to read the testimony.

4/21/15: LULAC sends letter to the Senate urging opposition to anti-immigrant amendments in S. 178, "The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015." Read the letter here.

4/17/15: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending letter urging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow a vote on Loretta Lynch's nomination for attorney general. Read the letter here.

4/17/15- LULAC sends letter to National Environmental Justice Advisory Council urging for its support of the Environmental Protection Agency proposed rulemaking on the definition of the "Waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act. Click here to read the letter.

4/15/15- LULAC sends letter to Senate HELP Committee opposing Every Child Achieves Act of 2015. Click here to read the letter.

4/13/15- LULAC joins other organizations in sending letter opposing private school vouchers in the Every Child Achieves Act to Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray of the Senate HELP committee. Click here to view the letter.

4/13/15- LULAC joins other organizations in sending letter in support of reforming the Every Child Achieves Act to Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray of the Senate HELP committee. Click here to view the letter.

4/13/15- LULAC joins other organizations in sending letter in support of the Student Non-Discrimination Act to the Senate HELP Committee. Click here to view the letter.

4/8/15- LULAC sends letter in support of the National Alzheimer’s & Dementia Patient & Caregiver-Powered Research Network. Click here so read the letter.

4/7/15 - LULAC joins civil rights groups in submitting amicus brief in support of DACA/DAPA. Click here to read the brief.

3/31/15: LULAC sends letter to Indiana Senate Pro Temp David Long and Speaker of the House Brian Bosma Urging for the Repeal of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Read the letter to Speaker of the House Bosma here, and the letter to Senate Pro Temp Long here.

3/31/15: LULAC sends letter to Gov. Hutchinson of Arkansas urging Veto of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Read the letter here.

3/31/2015: LULAC joins environmental campaign calling for a ban on products with flame retardant chemicals. Read the petition to the Consumer Product Safety Commission here and supporting statements here.

3/26/2015: LULAC sends letter to the Senate opposing anti-immigrant amendments in S. Con. Res. 11. Read the letter here.

3/24/15: LULAC joins other organizations in sending letter to the Senate opposing anti-immigrant amendments in the Budget Resolution. Read the letter here.

3/17/15: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in urging reform of the Obama Administration's family detention policies. Read the letter here.

3/12/15- LULAC joins other organizations in sending letter to the House and Senate in support of increased investment in Alzheimer's and Dementia care. Read the letters to the House and Senate here.
3/11/15: LULAC sends letter to the Senate opposing Senator Vitter's language that would alter 14th Amendment citizenship clause to exclude providing citizenship U.S.-born children of immigrants. Read the letter here.

3/10/2015: LULAC sends letter to the U.S. Department of Justice asking to intervene in the Jessica Hernandez case in Denver, CO. Read the letter here.

3/10/15: LULAC sends letter to House Republicans on clean H.R. 240 passage. Read the letter here.

3/6/2015: LULAC sends letter to the Department of Justice requesting a federal probe into the Pasco Police Department shooting of Antonio Zambrano-Montes. Read the letter here.

3/2/2015: LULAC sends letters to Senate Democrats who voted to invoke cloture on S. 534. Click to read the letters to Senator Donnelly, Senator McCaskill, Senator Manchin, and Senator Heitkamp.

3/2/2015: LULAC sends letter to the House of Representatives expessing concern over H.R. 1147, H.R. 1148, H.R. 1149, and H.R. 1153- enforcement "only" standalone bills looking to repeal President Obama's immigration-related administrative actions. Read the letter here.

2/26/2015: LULAC sends letter to House and Senate leadership expressing support for additional funding for CHIP. Read the letter here.

2/25/2015: LULAC sends letter to U.S. Senate expressing opposition to S. 534 which would repeal President Obama's immigration related administrative actions. Read the letter here.

2/25/2015: LULAC sends letter to House of Representatives expressing support for H.R. 727- the Puerto Rico Statehood Admissions Process Act. Read the letter here.

2/25/2015: LULAC joins coalition in sending letter to House of Representatives expressing support to Rep. Scott's Substitute Amendment to H.R. 5- the Student Success Act. Read the letter here.

2/25/2015: LULAC joins coalition in sending letter to House of Representatives expressing opposition to H.R. 5- the Student Success Act. Read the letter here.

2/25/2015: LULAC sends letter to House of Representatives expressing opposition to H.R. 5- the Student Success Act. Read the letter here.

2/23/2015: LULAC joins other organizations in sending letter to the Department of Health and Human Services related to sexual abuse of minors at detention centers. Read the letter here.

2/13/15- LULAC joins other organizations in urging Sec. of Health and Human Services Burwell to attend the World Health Organization’s (WHO) First Ministerial Meeting on Dementia. Read the letter here.

2/10/2015: LULAC sends Education and Workforce Committee Chairman, John Kline, letter expressing opposition to H.R. 5- the Student Success Act. Read the letter here.

2/9/2015: LULAC sends letter to the White House Task Force on New Americans expressing support for extending ACA benefits to all immigrants with work authorization. Read the letter here.

2/4/2015: LULAC sends letter to Speaker John Boehner expressing opposition to lawsuit filed against President Obama related to the immigration executive actions. Read the letter here.

2/2/2015: LULAC joins MALDEF, SEARAC, and other civil rights groups in sending coalition letter to Senate HELP Committee detailing priorities and principles for the reauthorization of ESEA. Read the letter here.

1/29/2015: LULAC signs on to civil rights education coalition letter to Senate HELP Committee detailing priorities and principles for the reauthorization of ESEA. Read the letter here.

1/28/2015: LULAC sends letter to Senate opposing HR 240, the House verson of the DHS appropriation bill for fiscal year 2016 that includes policy riders aimed at repealing President Obama's immigration-related administrative actions. Read the letter here.

1/13/2015: LULAC sends letter to U.S. House of Representatives expressing opposition to amendments to HR 240, the DHS Appropriation bill for FY2016, aimed at repealing President Obama's immigration executive actions. Read the letter here.

1/12/2015: As Co-Chair of the Hispanic Education Coalition, LULAC sends letter to U.S. Senate HELP Committee outlining priorities for the upcoming ESEA Reauthorization. Read the letter here.

1/8/2015: LULAC sends letter to U.S. House of Representatives expressing opposition to language aimed at changing the definition of full-time employee under the Affordable Care Act (raising hours from 30 to 40). Read the letter here.

1/7/2015: LULAC sends letter to U.S. House of Representatives expressing opposition to legislation aimed at repealing President Obama's immigration executive actions. Read the letter here.

12/03/2014: LULAC sends letter to U.S. House of Representatives expressing opposition to legislation aimed at repealing President Obama's immigration executive actions. Read the letter here.

09/25/2014: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending letter to President Obama regarding detention centers in Dilley, Artesia, and Karnes. Read the letter here.

09/23/2014: LULAC sends letter to House urging them to sign on to letter calling on President Obama to take LGBT-inclusive administrative action. Read the letter here.

09/22/2014: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending letter to President Obama with recommendations for administrative action on immigration reform. Read the letter here.

09/18/2014: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending letter to Secretary Burwell regarding treatment of UACs. Read the letter here.

09/18/2014: LULAC sends letter to Senate urging them to reject H.R. 5272, legislation that would strip critical protections from DACA recipients. Read the letter here.

08/28/2014: As a co-Chair of the Hispanic Education Coalition, LULAC sends letter to Senate regarding the Higher Education Affordability Act. Read the letter here.

08/27/2014: LULAC sends letter to California Senate and Assembly Committees expressing support for California legislation to support unaccompanied minors. Read the letter here.

08/26/2014: LULAC joins other organizations in sending a letter to President Obama asking him to restore coverage for DACA grantees and ensure healthcare access is expanded in any Administrative Relief action. Read the letter here.

08/22/2014: LULAC sends letter House of Representatives expressing concern regarding reports that recently deported migrant children have been killed in Latin American. Read the letter here.

08/21/2014: LULAC joins other organizations in sending a letter to President Obama asking him to ensure that LGBTQ undocumented immigrants are provided with relief in any Administrative Relief action. Read the letter here.

08/20/2014: LULAC sends letters to the Senate and House of Representatives expressing concern regarding reports that U.S. citizen children are locked up in migrant detention centers as a result of inadequate screenings, botched handling of cases, and lax oversight.
Read the letter to the Senate, here.
Read the letter to the House, here.

08/13/2014: LULAC sends letter to the Senate urging that the post-recess schedule includes movement on The FAMILY Act. Read the letter here.

08/12/2014: LULAC sends letter to Speaker John Boehner urging him to schedule a vote on comprehensive immigration reform legislation after the August recess. Read the letter here.

08/12/2014: LULAC sends letters to Members of the House of Representatives on votes for H.R. 5230, a border supplemental appropriation bill that included language making it easier to deport migrant children. Read the letter to Members voting Yes. Read the letter to Members voting No.

07/31/2014: LULAC sends letter to Senate regarding border supplemental appropriation bill. Letter expresses support HHS and USAID funding and also notes concerns about altering language in 2008 trafficking law that would make it easier to deport migrant child refugees. Read the letter here.

07/31/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress expressing opposition to H.R. 5272, legislation aimed at stipping President Obama's authority to provide temporary protection to additional DREAMERS and other migrants. Read the letter here.

07/30/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress expressing opposition to border supplemental appropriation bill that includes language aimed at deporting migrant children. Read the letter here.

07/24/2014: LULAC sends letter to Treasury officials expressing opposition to the proposed Banc of California's plan to acquire Banco Popular. Read the letter here.

07/02/2014: LULAC sends letter to President Obama supporting his intended use of executive action to achieve progress on immigration reform and emphasizing the importance of focusing on the needs of migrant children. Read the letter here.

06/16/2014: LULAC sends letters to US Senators on cloture votes for S.2432, the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act to express gratitue to Senators who voted Yes and express concern to Senators who voted No. Read the conrresponding letters here: Letter to Senators who voted Yes. Letter to Senators who voted No.

06/13/2014: LULAC sends letter to House Appropriations Committee urging passage of $2 billion in emergency funds for the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Unaccompanied Alien Children (AUC) in LHHS-FY 2015 Appropriations Bill. Read the letter here.

06/11/2014: LULAC sends letter to Senate Appropriations Committee urging support for President Obama's Race to the Top competition for Equity and Opportunity (RTT-Opportunity). Read the letter here.

06/09/2014 : LULAC sends letter to Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Directors urging support for the passage Latino Heritage Day. Read the letter here.

05/27/2014: LULAC sends letter of support for SB 1200: Donahoe Higher Education Act to California legislature. Read the letter here.

05/27/2014: LULAC sends letter of support for SB 1365: California Voters Rights Act to California legislature. Read the letter here.

05/19/2014 : LULAC and other Latino civil rights organizations unite to send letter to Members of Congress announcing their intent to release the National Latino Immigration Report Card of 2014. Read the letter here.

05/15/2014: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in sending a letter to the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights on Tittle IX protections against discrimination based on sex and gender identity. Read the letter here.

5/1/2014: LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in supporting the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. Read the amicus brief here.

05/05/2014 : LULAC joins other civil rights organizations in writing a brief supporting LGBT rights. Read the letter here.

04/30/2014: LULAC and the Leadership Conference Education Fund release an informational fact sheet providing important information on the benefits of raising the minimum wage for Latinos. If you would like to access the fact sheet in Spanish, please click here or in English, please click here.

LULAC, along with 150 other organizations, signed on to a letter that was submitted as a comment for the federal register on the 2015 Edition Electronic Health Record Standards and Certification Criteria Proposed Rule. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to Senate Expressing Support for Passage of the Minimum Wage Fairness Act. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to California legislature in support of SB1010, the Fair Sentencing Act . Read the letter here.

04/09/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress Expressing Support for Passage of Emergency Unemployment Legislation. Read the letter here.

04/07/2014: LULAC Letter to Congress Supporting Race to the Top for Equity and Opportunity. Read the letter here.

04/03/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress expressing opposition to changing full time employee status for the Affordable Care Act. Read the letter here.

04/02/2014: LULAC sends letter to Congress expressing support for Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

03/26/2014: LULAC sends letter to Secretary Sebelius requesting an extension past March 31st for the Affordable Care Act enrollment period. Read the letter here.

03/26/2014: LULAC sends letter to President Obama requesting an extension past March 31st for the Affordable Care Act enrollment period. Read the letter here.

03/18/2014: LULAC sends letter to Senator Diane Feinstein expressing opposition to Senate voucher bills. Read the letter here.

03/18/2014: LULAC sends safe schools letter to Congress expressing support for SNDA and SSIA. Read the letter here.

02/26/2014: LULAC sends letter to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer urging a veto of the discriminatory "Religious Freedom Restoration Act." Read the letter here.

02/25/2014: LULAC issues call asking membership to contact the House of Representatives and urge them to get immigration reform over the finish line! Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

LULAC issues call asking membership to contact the House of Representatives and urge them to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act! Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

LULAC issues call asking membership to contact the Federal Communications Commission and weigh in on the importance of expanding and modernizing E-Rate. Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

LULAC issues call asking membership to contact U.S. Senate to urge the defeat of language resembling Senator Ayotte's child tax credit proposal which would prevent millions of Latino children from accessing child tax credit resources. Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

- LULAC sends letter to Senate urging rejection of language resembling Senator Ayotte's child tax credit proposal which would prevent millions of Latino children from accessing child tax credit resources. Read the letter here.

- As co-chair of the Hispanic Education Coalition, LULAC signs letter to Senate urging the defeat of language resembling Senator Ayotte's child tax credit proposal which would prevent millions of Latino children from accessing child tax credit resources. Read the letter here.

LULAC leads health care coalition working to push Governors in 24 states to expand Medicaid. Learn more about this LULAC Action Alert by clicking here.

Read the latest edition of the LULAC Education Enewsletter. Click here to read the enewsletter.

LULAC sends letter to Congress urging for the passage of critical nutrition assistance program legislation. Read the letter here.

01/28/2014: LULAC signs letter to Texas State Board of Education Regarding STEM graduation requirements. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to House and Senate Members urging the immediate passage of legislation funding emergency unemployment insurance legislation. Read the letter here.

JANUARY 2014 :
Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

LULAC sends action alert requesting that members contact the House of Representatives and urge them to support the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Click here to participate in action alert.

OCTOBER 2013 :
Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

10/03/2013 : LULAC advocates on the Hill press Congress on critical issues related to education reform. Read the LULAC ACTober 2013 fact sheet here.

SEPTEMBER 2013: Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

09/20/2013:LULAC submits comment for the Federal Register providing recommendations for the Department of Education’s request for information to inform the Title III Technical Assistance Agenda and the Future Activities and Services of the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA). Read the comment here.

09/19/2013: LULAC sends letter to House of Representatives expressing opposition to FY14 Continuing Resolution that aims to defund the Affordable Care Act and does nothing to end the sequestration cuts. Read the letter here.

09/19/2013: LULAC sends letter to House of Representatives expressing opposition to H.R. 3102, a House Republican measure that reauthorizes nutrition programs but cuts almost 10 times more from programs like SNAP than the measure approved in the Senate. Read the letter here.

09/16/2013: LULAC sends letter to Federal Communications Commission regarding ConnectED Initiative and E-Rate Program expressing modernization and expansion. Letter was signed by 46 organizations. Read the letter here.

09/12/2013: LULAC sends letter to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan regarding the Department’s ELL data collection efforts following a report from the Government Accountability Office highlighting lack of reporting and shortage of data on charter schools. Read the letter here.

09/11/2013 :
LULAC Sends Letter to Congress On Negative Impact of Sequester, Urges Congress to Repeal Sequester in FY 14. Read the letter here.

AUGUST 2013 :
Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

LULAC sends letter to Members of Congress regarding the release of ESEA White Paper raising concerns about the lack of strong accountability in states with ESEA waivers. Read the letter here.

08/27/2013: LULAC joins 9 other civil rights organizations in releasing a white paper analyzing the Department of Education's ESEA Waiver system. White paper raises concerns regarding the rigor of state accountability systems. Read the white paper here.

LULAC co-signs letter sent by over 40 organizations to U.S. Department of Education regarding civil rights data collection. Read the letter here.

07/24/2013: LULAC sends a letter to the PARCC Governing Board and Achieve, Inc. expressing the need for a Spanish language version of the CCSS-aligned assessment. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends Members of Congress specific vote recommendations on various amendments being considered on the floor of the House on H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2013. Read the letter here.

LULAC co-signs letter with other organizations addressing criticisms Regarding the Department of Justice and Department of Education’s Enforcement of Title IX and the Nomination of Tom Perez for Secretary of Labor. Read the letter here.

LULAC co-signs Letter with other organizations to Senate Appropriations Committee regarding funding for school police. Read the letter here.

: LULAC sends letter to House Education and Workforce Chairman, John Kline, expressing opposition to H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2013. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to House Education and Workforce Ranking Member, George Miller, expressing support for the substitute amendment to H.R. 5, the Student Success Act of 2013. Read the letter here.

: LULAC co-signs Letter with other civil rights organizations to Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee regarding the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

LULAC co-signs Letter with other organizations regarding E-Rate program. Read the letter here.

JULY 2013:
Check out the latest education news by reading the LULAC Education E-Newsletter. Click here.

LULAC co-signs Letter with other civil rights organizations to Congress regarding the Student Non-Discrimination Act. Read the letter here.

LULAC sends letter to Texas Senate expressing opposition to lowering graduation requirements. Read the letter here.

04/01/2011: LULAC Co-signs letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressing opposition to Foxx-Kline amendment to FY11 Continuing Appropriations bill. Read the letter here.

03/28/2011: LULAC issues piece on Science Education and Latinos. Read the piece here.

02/01/2011: LULAC issues FY2012 Appropriations priorities funding requests related to education. Read copy of fact sheet here.

02/16/2011: LULAC and COE send letter to Congress expressing opposition to H.R. 1 appropriations bill gutting education, health care, employment, and other services for under-served populations. Read the letter here.

01/26/2011: LULAC co-signs letter with broad coalition of more than 35 organizations that advocate for civil rights, consumers, veterans, students and college access today sent a letter to President Obama urging his administration to issue a strong and enforceable “gainful employment” rule. The letter points out: “Numerous investigations have revealed pervasive abuses by some career education programs: deceptive and aggressive recruiting of students; inflated job placement rates and false reporting to authorities; overstatement of a program’s value and understatement of its high cost; and dismal completion rates. Too many of these programs are preying on low-income students, minority students, and veterans who are seeking to further their education and, by doing so, enhance their employment opportunities.” Read the letter here.

LULAC Releases the Education Advocacy Toolkit, a guide to equip education advocates with the tools necessary to advocate for education reform at the local, state and/or federal level. Read a copy of the toolkit here.

05/13/2010: LULAC produces draft TX plan to transform ELL education. Read a copy of the draft plan here.

03/26/2010: LULAC and many other education reform advocacy organizations submitted ESEA priorities and recommendations to the House Education and Labor subcommittee in response to Congress' attempt to reauthorize NCLB in 2010. LULAC’s recommendations cover the areas of academic assessments and accommodations, accountability, graduation rates, middle school interventions, family engagement, teaching of, and support for teachers, of English Language Learners and charter schools. Read copy of the recommendations here.

LULAC sends letter to Secretary Arne Duncan regarding proposed gainful employment rule. Cites concerns about deceptive practices by some institutions. Read the letter here.

To read letters co-led by LULAC as part of the Hispanic Education Coalition, click here.

Advocacy Sheets (PDF format): Education | Health Care | Immigration | Puerto Rico | LGBT Equality Issues | Voting Rights Act | LNESC
