LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information

Tell Congress and the President to pass bipartisan legislation that includes the DREAM Act!

Time for Congress To Take Action on DACA

Since 2012, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has enabled DREAMers to come out of the shadows to work, go to school, and give back to their communities without fear of deportation. However, on September 5, President Trump ended the program, but delayed its termination for six months so that Congress could pass legislation to protect DREAMers.

Bipartisan legislation has been introduced in the House and Senate that will enable DACA recipients and Dreamers to become US citizens.

With DACA expiring on March 6, 2018, it is imperative that we take action and demand that Congress and the President protect DREAMers. Enter your information below and tell Congress and the President to support the DREAMers today!