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Partnership Opportunities: Introduction

¡Saludos from LULAC!

On behalf of America's oldest and largest membership-based Latino civil rights organization, I am proud to welcome you as LULAC's national president.

My journey with LULAC began as a college graduate entering the practice of law, when I witnessed the powerful work of the league in my community in Dallas, Texas. Since then, time and again, LULAC has continued to be the leading voice on the front line for educational, economic, and social change. Today, the need is greater than ever.

Across the USA and Puerto Rico, LULAC councils touch every member of our familias daily in one way or another. Our programs are developed around the principal pillars impacting the quality of life for millions of Latinos. We advocate, train, and increase awareness among the more than 62 million Latinos on health care, employment, housing, k-16 public education, workplace equity, family well-being, the future of our youths, and much more. We often partner with other established and well-known community-based organizations at job and health fairs, town halls, and special events.

Every LULAC program is developed, delivered, and measured by its impact, one person at a time. We are serving students in LULAC youth councils and neighborhood schools. Also, we assist seniors attending community center social gatherings and visiting veterans receiving vital health care. Indeed, when we meet with the nation's most powerful political and policy leaders, LULAC's message is clear, our voice is their voice. LULAC works with our community, where it lives daily, to ensure that our programs respond to its needs in every corner of our nation.

This multi-faceted approach is how LULAC achieved bipartisan support for the passage of two critical legislative measures, the Vanessa Guillen Act, and the Brandon Caserta Act. These two new laws promise to protect tens of thousands of America's service men and women for years to come. Whether in the military or civilian life, Latinos know that the LULAC shield is there for them 24/7 to help them navigate complex life events where ethnicity and gender may be a factor in their treatment. LULAC aims to build bridges with centers of influence through dialogue, fairly and vigorously, to ensure that our civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution are respected.

LULAC is building upon its 93-year legacy as we look to the future. Our nation is most remarkable when all individuals drink from the fountains of freedom. Our programs ensure doors of opportunity are opened to every Latino person, gay, straight, or transgender. We are diverse and productive people from many backgrounds and experiences, eager to add to the beauty of America. LULAC invites you to join us at our table, get to know each other better, and partner in our programs for the present and future generations. Let's tap into the Latino promise and potential together!

¡Hasta La Victoria!

Domingo Garcia
LULAC National President