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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

George J. Garza

20th president - elected at the 1950 convention held in El Paso, Texas and at the 1951 convention held in Laredo, Texas. Served two terms.

George was born and reared in Laredo, Texas. He was installed LULAC National President in June, 1950, at El Paso, Texas, and for a second term in June 1951, at Laredo, Texas. His administration brought a rich and varied experience accumulated through years of faithful service to LULAC. He was Vice President and President of the San Marcos and Laredo councils, District Director, National Director of Publicity and Editor of LULAC News, National First Vice President, and National Director of the LULAC Youth organization.

His administration brought three definite qualities to LULAC. First, a strict economy in all that pertained to administrative and organizational matters. Second, an enlightened conservatism concerning all matters and problems affecting LULAC and its principles. In addition, a strong emphasis on LULAC's Aims and Purposes was established.

These were not actions designed to give LULAC notoriety. They were actions well planned and intended to give LULAC a close family intimacy.

Highlights of his administration were as follows:

  • Establishment of friendly and cooperative working relations with government officials and agencies,
  • The solution of the poll tax segregation problem.
  • A hospital problem in Wharton County, Texas.
  • The solution of a school problem in Pecos, Texas, and in two other nearby communities.
  • The clarification of personnel classifications at Fort Benning, Georgia.
  • The invitation of the President of the United States to LULAC to take part in the mid-century White House Conference on Children and Youth in 1950.
  • The emphasis on the establishment of ladies' councils.