Filemon Martinez

10th president - elected at the 1938 convention held in El Paso, Texas. Served one term.
Filemon from Albuquerque, New Mexico was the first non-Texan elected president. His began his administration by visiting local councils, starting from San Angelo, Texas where he was appalled to see "No Mexicans Allowed" signs in many public places.
He approached the San Angelo public school officials and after friendly chats, the discriminatory signs disappeared. He was instrumental in helping eliminate school segregation in Hondo, Texas. Correspondence with the Secretary of Education for the State of Texas erased other discriminatory practices, one that denied Spanish-speaking students the opportunity to attend high school in some Texas areas. These discriminatory practices vanished only after the State of Texas informed school districts that state funds would be denied if such practices continued.
During his administration, 14 councils organized in New Mexico and organizing work also took place in Arizona.