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¡Adelante! America Washington Site

Location: Vancouver, WA
Partner Organization: Southwest WA LULAC Council #47013
Social Media: Facebook

About Southwest WA LULAC Council #47013

Southwest Washington LULAC Council #47013 was installed on August 13, 2011 in Vancouver, WA by former LULAC National President Margaret Moran and former LULAC National Vice President for Farwest Region Mickie Luna. Council #47013 is successful in providing opportunities, awareness, education, and workshops for the local Latino population. The Council’s top three priorities are education, immigration, and health. Some examples of what Council 47013 has accomplished are voter registration drives, Ally Financial Literacy training, DACA/DAPA and Secure Communities workshops, sponsored a Latino Leadership and Civic engagement workshop, established a youth council, developed an agreement with City of Vancouver Police Department, hosted a Regional Women’s Summit, Regional Youth Conference, sponsored a county-wide Latino youth conference, and much more.

Student Quotes

Below you will find some student anecdotes gathered at the end of the 2016 ¡Adelante! America Program.

"I like the fact that we get together to create ideas and go to events together. As we learn more about our culture and the opportunities we have."

"Being a part of Adelante has helped me become a better leader and realize that I have a voice that counts."

Program Pictures