LULAC Fights Back: How We’re Standing Up to Texas's Voter Suppression: Click here for more information

YE²S Volunteer Portal

The LULAC Youth Educational Enrichment Series (YE²S) program is an online 10-month webinar series and mentoring program that serves students between the ages of 13 to 18.

As a Volunteer, you play a vital role to ensure the success of the program by supporting webinar development and serving as a mentor to students across the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

In this portal you will find the requirements to serve as a volunteer for the YE²S program. All volunteering hours can be validated by LULAC Institute as community service hours.

LULAC is seeking committed role models to volunteer one hour of their time every other week to support youth as they navigate their academic journeys and prepare for their future.

Pre-Volunteering Requirements

Volunteers interested in participating as a mentor MUST attend a mentor training. Please RSVP by emailing

Trainings are held via Zoom. To access a training, click on the link below.

Upcoming Mentor Trainings:

After you attend a training, you will receive a follow-up email with next steps to start mentoring!

Volunteering Requirements

  • Minimum 3-month commitment.
  • Minimum 60-minute mentoring video session every other week (twice per month).
    • Maximum 2 students per mentor.
  • Video sessions must be recorded for the safety of all participants. On-site Program Coordinator will be responsible for recording these sessions.
  • Complete all reporting requirements as outlined by LULAC Institute.

LULAC is seeking committed volunteers to create and pre-record a 30-minute webinar to share their knowledge with youth.

Pre-Volunteering Requirements

Volunteers interested in facilitating a webinar will work with LULAC staff to schedule a planning call to review the webinar development process and video recording timeline.

If you are interested in facilitating a webinar, contact

Volunteering Requirements

  • Develop a one-page description of your selected webinar using the template provided by LULAC Institute. Click HERE to access Webinar Description template.
  • Develop a PowerPoint presentation to accompany your webinar (if applicable).
  • Work with LULAC staff to pre-record the webinar.
  • Complete all reporting requirements as outlined by LULAC Institute.
  • Additional Opportunity: Develop a follow-up activity for on-site Program Coordinators to complete with their students. Click HERE to access the Supplemental Activity template.

Available Webinar Topics

The following webinar topics are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

  • It's Electric!
    Share tips and tricks to navigate careers in STEAM as a minority in the U.S.
  • Keep Up With the Tech
    Show students how to navigate through the never ending technological changes in professional industries.
  • Bring in the ELEMENTS!
    Lead a fun, hands-on STEAM activity using household items.

LULAC will require you to complete the following items as part of your volunteering commitment:

  • Volunteering Log: This log will be used to record volunteering hours. Volunteers are required to submit their log no later than two weeks after concluding their volunteering commitment. Completed logs must be submitted via email to
  • Volunteer Satisfaction Survey: This survey will help us collect feedback to improve the program and volunteering experience. Volunteer Satistaction Surveys will be due no later than two weeks after you complete your volunteering commitment.

The following section provides resources to support volunteers participating in the YE²S program.

For more information, contact us at