LULAC Releases the Report A New Wave of Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Legislative Boom Since 2020: Click here for more information

Petition: Make the Dream Come True!

Make the Dream Come True

LULAC COMMUNITY: We need your help. Please add your name to the diploma and letter below to send a message to your representatives that we must pass the Dream Act now.

The Dream Act benefits our economy and educational systems. It increases our military preparedness and national security. It will provide a pathway for the thousands of undocumented students who graduate from high school to obtain permanent resident status, upon completing military service or a two-year enrollment in college. We need your Members of Congress to hear your voice NOW!

LULAC will hand deliver your diploma and a letter to your Representative and Senators.

Help spread the word by getting your family, friends, and colleagues to send a diploma with their name to their Member of Congress. United we will make our voices heard and will make the dream come true for thousands of high school graduates!

Your Information

* Required information

The Petition

Dear Members of Congress:

We, the people who you represent, urge you to support the passage of the Dream Act this year. The Dream Act is beneficial to our communities because it:

  • Moves us in the right direction for fixing our broken immigration system- 825,000 young, undocumented people who involuntarily came to the U.S. as children before age 16, will have an opportunity for a path toward citizenship;
  • Strengthens our military readiness and national security - thousands of high school graduates and highly qualified recruits will be eligible to join the ranks of the armed forces;
  • Contributes to the U.S. economy and society - 65,000 undocumented high school graduates will have the opportunity to obtain higher education degrees and fill the gaps in the science, math, engineering, technology, and medical fields; and,
  • Recognizes that immigrants are an integral part of the U.S. labor force – once they obtain both documented status and a higher education, they move to higher paying occupations, earn higher wages, and pay more taxes, which increases tax revenues for the U.S. government. On average, a college graduate earns 60% more than a high-school graduate.
We urge you to move this legislation forward by championing the passage of this legislation.
