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Monthly Education Policy E-Newsletter July Edition

LULAC National and NIEA Meets with New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez to Discuss Common Core State Standards Implementation

LULAC National met with New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez and her staff to discuss Common Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation in NM. Thanks to the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, LULAC National’s education policy team has been able to work with local councils to inform the community about the implementation of Common Core State Standards. To learn more about these critical issues and coalitions visit our LULAC education policy webpage. The meeting with Governor Martinez resulted in the forging of a partnership aimed at increasing outreach and dialogue with the Hispanic community in the New Mexico. The Governor and her team committed to:

  • Conducting various town halls/listening sessions in conjunction with LULAC
  • Developing a partnership with LULAC moving forward and listing LULAC as a partner organization on the PED website. LULAC National would be the first civil rights organization listed as a CCSS implementation outreach partner in New Mexico
  • Collaborating on the rollout of several materials designed to better inform the public about the Common Core State Standards, as well as making these materials accessible in English, Spanish, and Navajo
  • Incorporating materials produced by LULAC in the rollout of the messaging in the future and making LULAC materials available on the PED and NM CCSS website

For more information about the meeting and to help with future townhalls/listening sessions, please contact Luis Torres. To learn more about New Mexico’s Common Core State Standard’s implementation plan, click here.

LULAC Wraps Up Another Successful National Convention

The National LULAC Convention and Exposition took place June 17-22 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada and featured key panels with expert presenters on ESEA waivers, Common Core State Standards, measures of effective teaching, data models, and the importance of STEM education. It was standing room only at all panels and LULAC members were able to get useful resources from all the presenters. Below are links to various PowerPoint presentations used by the presenters at the panels.

Resources from the Panel on Educational Reform Issues

Resources from the Panel on STEM Education

  • Powerpoint presentation from Dr. Jarvis Sulcer, Executive Director, The Level Playing Field, and Bianca Escalante, Development Director, The Level Playing Field
  • Powerpoint presentation from Iris Maria Chávez, Assistant Field Director, The Education Trust

If you are interested in obtaining information about the various presentations, or looking to confirm a LULAC speaker at your next education event, please contact Luis Torres.

Education workshop at the LULAC National Convention

LULAC National Focused on ESEA Waivers, Common Core State Standards, Effective Teaching, and Data Models

Thanks to the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, LULAC National’s education policy team has been able to continue advocating on behalf of Latino children both at the federal and state levels. With the education landscape ripe for reform, and issues like ESEA waivers, Common Core State Standards, Measures of Effective Teaching, and Data Models, dominating the discussion, LULAC National has been able to provide the Latino community with pertinent information and advocacy tools to engage Latino parents and education leaders in critical education reform conversations.

Common Core State Standards Implementation Across the Country

Through workshops at conventions and events, community trainings and presentations, media outreach, and bilingual literature, LULAC has leveraged the support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help advance the interests of Latino children. In addition, LULAC is also a member various coalitions including the Campaign for High School Equity and a co-chair of the Hispanic Education Coalition, who also work to advance the interests of under-served children across the country. To learn more about these critical issues and coalitions visit our LULAC education policy webpage.

2013 LULAC Education Recap

  • In February LULAC hosted an education panel comprised of Congressional leaders, staffers, and advocates to discuss budget impacts on Latino students, ESEA waivers, and Common Core State Standards. Advocates then visited Capitol Hill to speak to Congressional Members and staff.
  • In March and April LULAC sent letters to House and Senate leaders urging them to repeal the automatic budget cuts. Other letters were sent to Congress urging their support for critical programs supporting Latino students in the FY2014 appropriation legislation.
  • In April LULAC hosted an education panel at the 2013 National Women's Conference in Puerto Rico. The topic focused on impacts of budget cuts on Latino students.
  • In early May, Luis Torres, LULAC National’s Director of Education Policy, moderated an education panel at the Florida State Convention which took place on May 25-26 in Ft. Myers, Florida. The panel covered important education topics like Common Core State Standards, issues impacting ELL Students, and much more.
  • In June, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a mark-up on Chairman Tom Harkin's Strengthening America's Schools Act (SASA). The SASA would reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, commonly known as No Child Left Behind, and do a complete overhaul of the law. In anticipation of the mark-up, LULAC spearheaded a letter as part of the Hispanic Education Coalition (HEC) to provide the HELP Committee with recommendations on the bill. To read the Hispanic Education Coalition letter, click here. In addition, LULAC, via the Hispanic Education Coalition, sent a second letter to the Senate as a whole urging Senators to support education related amendments to the pending immigration reform legislation. For a copy of the letter, please contact Luis Torres. Other letters were sent to the House Education and Workforce Committee on Chairman John Kline’s Student Success Act of 2013.
  • In addition, LULAC also weighed-in with the Senate on education related amendments to S.744 The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act. To read a copy of that letter, click here.
  • In June, LULAC successfully wrapped up the 84th National Convention held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The convention featured key panels with expert presenters on ESEA waivers, Common Core State Standards, measures of effective teaching, data models, and the importance of STEM education. If you are interested in obtaining information about the various presentations, please contact Luis Torres.
  • In June, LULAC met with New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez and her staff to discuss Common Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation in NM. To learn more about CCSS visit our education page at

News Alert! LULAC Advances Education