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2021 Ford Driving Dreams Grants Program Grantees

In 2021, six LULAC Councils were selected to receive $5,000 to implement a local dropout prevention program in partnership with an educational entity.

New York

Bronx, NY - LULAC Council #23101

LULAC Council #23101 and partner Sports Foundation Inc. will provide each student participating in their program with guidance, knowledge, and confidence to work in the STEM/STEAM fields. With staff, resources and connections, the council will offer skill development lessons including time management, goal setting, communications, coding, electronics, critical thinking, collaboration and teamwork. In addition, students will engage their community digitally by creating their own website to highlight projects, classes, learning and leadership experience.


Austin, TX - LULAC Council #4227

LULAC Council #4227 plans to increase representation of Latinos within STEM careers and empower freshman and sophomore high school students to continue their education. To achieve this, the program will provide mentorship, tutoring, hands-on experience and learning opportunities outside of Austin. Furthermore, Council #4227 and LULAC National Educational Service Center Inc. (LNESC) will cultivate relationships for STEM enrichment and program sustainability. The Council will also seek approval from schools to actively celebrate students’ accomplishments through their social media channels.

Austin, TX - LULAC Council #4858

LULAC Council #4858 will continue the Latinitas program empowering all girls to innovate with media and technology. This program transitioned to a virtual format entirely with the support of partner, Code Chica, and as a result has expanded their reach to more girls in places in and outside of Austin. The program will focus on training teens to graduate from the Latinitas Code Chica certification program.

Houston, TX - LULAC Council #4967

LULAC Council #4967 will host an after-school STEM program at Stephen F. Austin High School for 15 students focusing on the principles of recycle, reduce and reuse as well as environmental awareness. Program activities, tutoring and workshops on science and math will be offered virtually with up to ten weeks including hands-on lessons, technology, engineering, project management, critical thinking exercises and community service. To close the digital divide gap, the council will issue a $50 stipend per family.


Vancouver, WA - LULAC Council #47013 

LULAC Council #47013 works with immigrant families and offers monthly live workshops, weekly check-ins with students, tutoring, educational trips, and health support services to families. The council will extend programs available by partnering with public school educators and the Clark County Latino Youth Conference. The council’s Snapchat channel will help them to quickly reach youth in action and create opportunities to share bilingual English/Spanish graphics to promote their programming.


Milwaukee, WI - LULAC Council #349

LULAC Council #349 offers 25 high school students dual-enrollment courses at MATC, a local technical college, to expose them to STEAM careers. While instilling self-confidence and high perceptions of their abilities, talents, and interests, the effort will aim to expand their developmental knowledge and skills. The council services students at El Puente High School and provides students with devices and internet access to attend virtual classes at MATC.