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LULAC Announces Relief Initiative to Provide Assistance to Child Refugees in Midst of Humanitarian Crisis

July 10, 2014

Contact: Jossie Flor Sapunar,

Coalition of committed non-profit and business partners to assist vulnerable migrant children

NEW YORK CITY – After First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at the 85th Annual LULAC National Convention today about the vital role education plays in the future of young Latinos, LULAC announced its intent to collaborate with potential partners like Univision to provide aid for thousands of migrant children currently in limbo at the border.

LULAC strongly supports the President’s request for emergency funds to respond to the historic numbers of unaccompanied minors fleeing violence, poverty and crime in Central America. However, the organization is concerned that Congressional partisan politics may prevent the aid from arriving in time. The oldest and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the nation is forming a coalition of corporations, non-profit organizations, and concerned citizens that will provide financial and material resources for the thousands of children currently held in overcrowded conditions.

LULAC’s members have expressed concern for the thousands of children fleeing gang violence in their homeland to seek protection in the United States.

“These children, desperately seeking safety in the U.S.deserve to be treated humanely,” said LULAC National President Margaret Moran. “If Congress won’t act, we will.”

Recent news from outlets such as the Los Angeles Times illustrate the severely overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in detention centers. Such centers are in desperate need of essential resources such as diapers, blankets, cots and soap.

LULAC recognizes the need to act quickly to address the humanitarian crisis, particularly in light of the possibility that Congress will not act quickly enough to prevent a humanitarian disaster from occurring on our watch.

“This is a humanitarian crisis,” continued Moran. “The innocent children under DHS custody are fleeing horrible conditions and should be treated as refugees. It is fitting that here in New York City, under the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, that we call on our community to ensure that American remains the land that welcomes the Tired, the Poor, the Huddled Masses, Yearning to Breathe Free.

This announcement coincided with a visit by the First Lady where she addressed thousands of Latino leaders at LULAC’s annual convention. As the largest gathering of its 135,000 civic-minded members, the LULAC national convention served as a perfect backdrop to announce this latest effort.

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