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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

LULAC Honors Dr. Martin Luther King and Our Shared Struggle for Justice

Saludos to the LULAC Familia,

May this message find you well and filled with the spirit of unity that defines our great familia. As we observe MLK Day January 15, I ask you to reflect on the lasting legacy of a leader whose impact transcends time and resonates deeply with our shared experiences at LULAC—the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You and I have walked on the streets of El Paso and stood at the edge of the Rio Grande River in defense of arriving refugees. We have gone into our meatpacking plants to help protect our essential workers from danger. We came together, grieved, and aided the families of the children and teachers of Uvalde, victims of senseless violence. Also, we have raised our voices for our deported veterans and demanded critical care for our servicemembers in mental health crisis on the verge of suicide. LULAC has stood with Latinas advocating for control over their own health care and affirmed the pleas for acknowledgment from our DACA recipients, as well as waged our battles for our nation's seniors and much more.

In doing so, we celebrate the shared struggles faced by both the Black and Latino communities against historical discrimination and the ongoing quest for social justice. Dr. King's contributions to the civil rights movement are immeasurable, marking a pivotal moment in history where the pursuit of justice and equality reached a crescendo. LULAC commemorates his life and draws strength and inspiration from the battles he fought and the bridges he built, because the struggle for right continues in our day.

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) proudly stands with Dr. King in solidarity, understanding that the fight for civil rights is an intertwined journey. Our shared commitment to justice and equality binds us together, transcending ethnic and cultural boundaries. Dr. King's dream echoes in the hearts of our community as we strive for a nation where all individuals, regardless of background, are treated with dignity and respect. LULAC shall never stop fighting for justice!

As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King, let us not forget that our struggles are interconnected. The historical discrimination faced by the Black and Latino communities forms a shared narrative of resilience and triumph. Honoring Dr. King, we honor our shared journey towards a more just and inclusive America.

As National President of LULAC, I am very proud to be among you, those who champion the rights of Latinos across the nation. Our commitment to justice extends beyond ethnic lines, embracing the struggles faced by our Black brothers and sisters. We stand united against the forces that seek to divide us, understanding that our strength lies in our unity, across America and Puerto in every LULAC council.

Reflecting on Dr. King's teachings, let us rededicate ourselves to justice, equality, and unity. Let our actions speak louder than words, carrying forward the torch he ignited. Together, as one familia, we shall overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a brighter future for generations to come.

¡Hasta La Victoria!

Domingo García
LULAC National President



The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit