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How Next Generation Innovations Can Empower the Latino Community

Innovation has transformed virtually every aspect of our lives – from how we communicate and educate to how we seek medical care. Please join us as we host a panel of distinguished industry leaders and issue experts on the frontline of breakthrough innovations in medical research, STEM education, tele-health, and vaccine development. The discussion will focus on the importance of spurring innovation and prioritizing access to ensure that historically underserved populations benefit from next generation technologies. Learn about the crucial role these advancements can play in creating new pathways towards greater education, empowerment, health outcomes, and economic growth for the Latino community.

Caroline Sanchez Crozier, Innovation and Technology Committee Chair, LULAC National -Moderator
Mike Ybarra, M.D., Emergency Physician and Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Chief of Medical Affairs at PhRMA -Panelist
Robert E. Branson, President and CEO, Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council -Panelist
Cristina Carlis, VP of Global Marketing, Digital and Innovation, Gilead Sciences -Panelist
Rosa Mendoza, President and CEO, ALLvanza – Remarks
Juan Leonardo Negron-Diaz , Public Policy and Communications Director- PR (LATAM) at Merck

Recorded on November 16th, 2021
Duration: 1 hour 24 mins. 26 secs.