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Closing Session: Latinx Change Agents: Inspire to Aspire

Inspiring personal stories shared by three Latinx professionals who found their journey to elevate their lives and the lives of others. Their diverse backgrounds have one thing in common: they live, learn, and work to pay it forward through their careers in technology, entrepreneurship, and making a social impact. Their stories inspire a call to action to join our movement, to be intentional to achieve digital equity, and to promote community wealth for current and future generations.

Caroline Sanchez Crozier, Innovation & Tech Committee Chair, LULAC National; CEO/Founder, CSC Consulting Group & LatinxDLN

Marcela Escobar-Alava, Deputy CIO
Abril Vela, CS4LatinX Change Agent, LatinxDLN and Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, CS for Success
Pedro David Espinoza, TED Speaker, Entrepreneur, Investor, and Author

Recorded on November 4th, 2021
Duration: 29 mins. 05 secs.