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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.


Domingo Garcia

Dear LULAC Leaders:

As the attacks from this President and his Administration continue to escalate, we must continue the work of building a national organization capable of defending and protecting the rights of Latinos and their families. We must build on our 90 year legacy, embrace these new challenges and recommit ourselves to the work of broadening our base and strengthening our ties to communities where we currently exist. We need more power. We need more resources. And most importantly we need MORE MEMBERS.

Hermanas y hermanos we need to get back to the basics - to having conversations with the people we know best about why we do this work, why LULAC matters and why we need our circle of amigos y familia to join LULAC NOW. Given the leadership crisis in the White House, I have instructed our new National Organizing Director, Randy Parraz, to launch a 60 day “Con Ganas” internal membership campaign leading up to convention. The “Con Ganas” Campaign consists of one simple task – each of us asking our amigos and members of our familia to join LULAC as an Associate Member.

We will launch the “Con Ganas” campaign on May 1st and run the campaign through the last weekend of June. We are asking each of you to focus your outreach exclusively on individuals LULAC members you already know and have a strong relationship with - not cold calls to strangers, random email blasts or generic social media posts.

Can I count on you to ask at least 10 amigos or members of your familia to join LULAC as Associate Members? And can I count on you to put this same 10 person challenge to LULAC Presidents and individual members of each of our Councils?

As the campaign unfolds, we will need you to collect photos and 15-30 second videos on your SMART phones of new Associate members you signed up. We want to know who they are and hear why they decided to join. Please send all photos and links of videos here. Videos must be in link form using either Youtube or Facebook. To learn more about the campaign – goals, incentives, accountability/support, frequently asked questions - please review the materials attached to this letter. These materials can also be found at

This initiative will allow our leadership to talk about membership within the context of a real ongoing campaign and allow us to set some benchmarks for LULAC leaders and councils. At convention, we will develop a workshop track around membership growth, organizing and exercising leadership that is connected to how LULAC leaders and councils performed during this 60 day campaign.

I appreciate your willingness to take on this campaign and I will do my part to make sure you have everything you need to be successful. If you have any questions, concerns or need additional support please contact our National Organizing Director, Randy Parraz, at 602-284-9745 or at Thank you for your cooperation, dedication and support.

Hasta La Victoria,

Domingo Garcia
LULAC National President