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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.


Documents (PDF)

Attention LULAC Councils

Any Council wishing to submit an Amendment to the Constitution must adhere to the provisions found in pages 62 and 63 of the Constitution and attached below. Please make note of the date in order for your Amendment to be considered timely:

May 14, 2019: Councils have up to and including this day to submit an Amendment to National. You can submit by email to: or by U.S. Postal Service but the letter must be postmarked prior to and including May 14th for your Amendment to be considered timely. Below is the LULAC National address:

LULAC National Office
Attention: Sindy Benavides, CEO
1133 19th Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036

June 13, 2019: National shall send all Amendments timely submitted up to but not later than this date to all Councils in Good Standing.


The Constitution and Bylaws

Section 2—Amendments: Amendments to this Constitution and/ or Bylaws may be presented at the annual convention of the National Assembly by any Council in good standing, and only by a Council. Said presentation shall follow the procedure set below:

a. All proposed amendments must be submitted typewritten via electronic mail or postmarked to the National Office sixty days before the National Convention date, which shall be when the National Assembly is scheduled to be convened to be certified and vote. The National Office, In turn, shall send copies of the proposed amendments to all Councils in good standing thirty days prior to set date. Additionally, they will be posted on the National Website and published in the LULAC News magazine.

b. At the Convention, the Chairman of the Amendments and Resolutions Committee shall read each amendment once and offer the recommendations of the committee before the National Assembly discusses and votes on the amendments.

c. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the certified delegates at the National Convention is necessary for approval of an amendment.

d. Within thirty days of the close of the National Assembly, the National Secretary shall submit mimeographed copies of the approved amendment(s) to all Councils in good standing for their study and ratification or rejection. Councils shall be allowed thirty days from receipt of the amendment(s) to indicate their decision in writing. Failure of any Council to advise the National Board of Directors of its decision within the specified time shall be deemed as approval by that Council and so recorded by the National Secretary.

e. A favorable vote by a majority of the Councils shall be sufficient to ratify amendment(s) and to enable the National President to proclaim that said amendment(s) are part of the Constitution and/or Bylaws. Within a reasonable time, the National Office shall make available inserts of the ratified amendment(s) for inclusion in the Constitution.

f. No amendment to the Constitution and/or Bylaws shall be accepted by the National Board of Directors if it is improperly prepared, in conflict with existing provisions, or submitted past the established deadlines. No Constitutional amendments may be offered from the floor at the National Convention, orally or written.