Donate Now: Aid to Latino Families of Baltimore Bridge Tragedy Donate Here
* 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the families impacted by the devastating Baltimore bridge collapse.


Headquarters Hotel

Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC 20009
Main: (202) 483-3000
FAX: (202) 232-0438
Reservations: (800) HILTONS
click here to make reservations
Single: $174 Double: $174, Triple $199
Cutoff date: June 30, 2016

Cancellation Policy

One night's room and tax deposit is required to confirm a reservation.
Cancellations within 72 hours of arrival will forfeit one night's room and tax.

Air Transportation:

American Airlines
(800) 433-1790

United Airlines®
(800) 468-7022

Southwest Airlines®
(800) 435-9792