Recognize the Signs of Discrimination and Protect Your Right to Work
By Ulises A. Gonzalez on 04/14/2011 @ 01:15 PM
I applied for a job at a high-end retail store in downtown in Chicago, Illinois and was denied the opportunity to work because the employer had an internal hiring policy of solely employing workers who do not have an accent or appear foreign. – Victim of national origin discrimination
I applied for a position at a restaurant. I was asked to present my passport to prove that I was an authorized legal worker. The employer did not accept my State’ Identification and Social Security card and demanded my passport. As a result, I was not hired. —Victim of document abuse
The League of United Latin American Citizens, supported by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, launched an initiative conducting Workers’ Rights Workshops to inform the Latino community about the anti-discrimination provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Stories like the ones above are examples of unjust practices that LULAC collected across the United States through our community outreach efforts.
LULAC would like to alert the Latino community that if they have experienced citizenship/immigration status discrimination; national origin discrimination; document abuse; and/or retaliation by their employer to report their claim to Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Office of Special Counsel For Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices. If you have been discriminated, please call the toll free hotline for help at: 1-800-255-7688.
LULAC’s Workforce Anti-discrimination Webinar
Please join the League of United Latin American Citizens for a discussion about recognizing discrimination and the process for filing a claim with the Department of Justice.
Moderator: Ulises Gonzalez, Program Coordinator at the League of United Latin American Citizens
Presenter: Terry Scott, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC)
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Conference Call Details:
Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat today at:
For additional resources visit:
Healthy Eating Habits Matter!
By Oralia Garcia Dominic on 04/14/2011 @ 01:15 PM
Healthy Eating Habits Matter!
Written by Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.
Spring is finally here! Don’t you just love the spring season – the transition period between winter and summer? The spring colors and warm weather broadly embrace the idea of rebirth and, yes, rejuvenation too!
For some, spring is an excellent time to explore ways to satisfy one’s senses and to take care of one’s health, including the mind, body and soul!
In honor of National Nutrition Month, which is celebrated each March, I want to remind you about the importance of healthy eating habits for optimum health. By treating yourself well now, you can prevent obesity and delay the onset of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
The USDA and HHS provide new “2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans” to help us make healthier food choices. Some few general recommendations are:
• Maintain a healthy weight by balancing calories with physical activity
• Consume more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
• Consume less processed foods, which are high sodium, added sugars, saturated and trans fat
• Read food labels
• Pay attention to food portion size
If wish to learn more about healthy eating habits or the 2010 Dietary Guidelines go to and talk to your doctor.
Dear friends, I hope this spring is the start of your rebirth and rejuvenation that continues into the summer and beyond! Take good care of yourself and feel free to send me your health questions to ¡Hola, Oralia! Email: Dr.OraliaGarciaDominic at gmail dot com.
Together we can help keep ourselves and our families healthy!
Nutrition Resources:
More health information to come soon at the LULAC National Blog!
American Dietetic Association
USDA Food and Nutrition Information Center
2010 Dietary Guidelines
Example of Healthcare Blogger
Edited by Amanda Keammerer, Community Relations Manager, LULAC National Office
Los hábitos Alimenticios Saludables Cuentan!
Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.
¡Hola! Marzo ya está aquí y la primavera estará sobre nosotros pronto! ¿No te encanta la temporada de primavera, el período de transición entre el invierno y el verano? Los colores de la primavera y el clima cálido abrazo en términos generales la idea del renacimiento y el rejuvenecimiento también! Para algunos, la primavera es un momento excelente para explorar formas de satisfacer los sentidos, y cuidar de la salud, incluyendo la mente, cuerpo y alma!
En honor del Mes Nacional de Nutrición, que se celebra cada mes de marzo, quiero recordarles sobre la importancia de hábitos alimenticios sanos para una salud óptima, y la aparición de demora y el aplazamiento de las enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes, cáncer, enfermedades cardíacas y la obesidad.
El USDA y el HHS proporcionará nuevas "2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans" que nos ayude a elegir alimentos más saludables. Algunas de las recomendaciones de carácter general son:
• Mantenga un peso saludable, equilibrando las calorías con la actividad física
• Consuma más frutas, verduras y granos enteros
• Consuma menos alimentos procesados, que a veces son altos en sodio, azúcares
agregados, grasas saturadas y grasas trans
• Lea las etiquetas de los alimentos
• Preste atención al tamaño de la porción de alimentos
Si desea obtener más información sobre hábitos saludables de alimentación o el "2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans" ir a y hable con su médico.
Bueno, mis amigos, espero que el mes de marzo es el comienzo de su renacimiento y renovación, que continúa en 2011 y más allá! Por favor manden sus preguntas de salud a ¡Hola, Oralia! Email: Juntos podemos ayudar a mantener saludables a todos que viven en los estados unidos!
Otras fuentes de Nutrición:
Más información será publicada pronto: LULAC National Blog!
American Dietetic Association
USDA Food and Nutrition Information Center
2010 Dietary Guidelines
Example of Healthcare Blogger
Getting to Know... LULAC National President Margaret Moran
By Amanda L Keammerer on 04/04/2011 @ 07:00 AM
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where were you born and raised?
President Moran:
San Antonio, Texas
How did LULAC become such an important part of your life?
President Moran:
I was raised by parents who always instilled in me an appreciation for education, respect and giving back to my community. I am honored to be serving and following the Mission of LULAC.
What are your top priorities as National President of LULAC?
President Moran:
I believe that everyone must have access to the best education possible. I believe that every child should be provided with the critical tools and resources needed to excel in this country. Advocating for an education that encompasses the latest technology, financial literacy, voting rights, human rights and civil rights is one of my top priorities.
In addition, working to see our members of Congress pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform is also at the top of my list. I am very disappointed that this process has dragged on for so long, and I pledge to continue speaking out loud and clear on behalf of our entire membership. We are a nation of immigrants and it is un-American to delay a solution to fix our broken immigration system.
Health care and the environment are also central issues for LULAC. Simply put, we need a healthy population. Healthy families are essential to strengthening our workforce and contributing to our nation’s financial stability.
What has been the toughest obstacle to overcome as President of LULAC?
President Moran:
Obstacles seem to occur for many of us in our everyday lives – small ones and some not so small. What works for me is keeping a positive outlook, staying focused, listening to others and working towards a united mission. I applaud our National Board of Directors, National staff, and all of our grassroots members for the work they do in their communities throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. They are the core of our organization and, above all, we are “family.” We come together during tough times and support one another.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
President Moran:
Continuing to volunteer and spending precious time with my family.
What advice do you have for women who want to become leaders in their communities?
President Moran:
Reach for the Stars! Be somebody because God never intended for you to be a nobody. Always have confidence in yourself, respect others, stand tall, and always remember to give back to your community.
OK, now for a couple of fun questions. What is your favorite hobby?
President Moran:
I love to read and I love listening to jazz and classical music (for meditation). I have a collection of rancheras albums of Trio Los Panchos, I enjoy listening to Glenn Miller music, and, once in a while (for fun), I like to get rocking with “In The Mood” - which also reminds me of some my family’s service to our country during World War II.
In 1985, I started a collection of unique coffee mugs and shot glasses from every state that I have visited. I have quite a few to go! I also have a collection of photo albums of each of our grandchildren from birth to the present.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
President Moran:
My mother. She is a descendant of one of several families who first settled in San Antonio, Texas. Her great-great grandfather was the first elected Hispanic Justice of the Peace (in spite of the Jim Crow laws) in a small town south of San Antonio: Von Ormy, Texas. His name was Rafael Quintana, who came from Majorca, Minorca, Spain.
To that end, my mother always made sure we went to the polls and voted. She also insisted that we remain in school, participate in church activities, and to always respect others. She is a nonagenarian, and in 2010, she cast her vote to elect me to the highest and most prestigious office in our beloved organization, the National Presidency. I see her as a saint. Until his passing, she was my father’s sole caregiver for thirteen years. My mother cherishes family; I too cherish family and admire my mother beyond words.
Last question: If you were to enjoy a peaceful sunset anywhere in the world, where would you be and who would be with you?
President Moran:
I would pick Maui, Hawaii, and my soul mate, Oscar (a former LULAC National President).
A peaceful sunset with family would be so delightful, so I would want to share that experience with my children and grandchildren as well.
Note: The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and not necessarily shared by the LULAC National Office.
Latinos and Redistricting: Speak Up for Your Community!
By NALEO Educational Fund on 03/31/2011 @ 10:00 AM
The latest numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau show that the Latino community took seriously the call to stand up and be counted in the 2010 enumeration. The result of that is a new face for America and one that is increasingly Latino. We are now more than 50 million strong, and we accounted for more than half of the increase in the country’s population since 2000. We are the fastest-growing segment of the nation's population and already the second largest.
The numbers confirm that the Latino population had a significant impact in the growth of the population in many key states, including Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Georgia, just to name a few.
Our growth is such that even in states slated to lose congressional representation because of shifts in population -- Illinois, New Jersey and New York, for instance -- the loss would have been greater if not for the Latino population.
So what’s the next step? Redistricting. It’s the process of re-drawing district lines to represent these changes in population. Those new districts will decide the political landscape for at least the next ten years, and the Latino community deserves the right to participate in the process to create districts that reflect their needs and electoral preferences.
A redistricting body in the state takes the Census data and other important information and draws the maps based on certain criteria, including federal and state laws. Public input is very important because those who are drawing these new lines take testimony from the public to get much of the information they need for the work they’re doing. In some states, the legislature draw congressional and state lines, others use commissions, or commissions and the legislature share redistricting responsibilities.
Redistricting varies from state to state, but there are some fundamentals all states have in common. One of the most important criteria is the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a federal law that protects Latinos and other underrepresented groups from discrimination in the electoral process. What that means is the lines can’t be drawn to dilute the Latino vote and they can’t be drawn to help parties gain political advantage if it discriminates against Latinos.
Another criterion is the consideration of “communities of interest.” Line drawers must also try to keep together those neighborhoods or geographic areas where residents have shared views, interests or characteristics. For Latinos, a “community of interest” can be a group of residents whose children attend the same schools and face the same challenges in obtaining a quality education. It can be neighborhoods that use the same transportation lines or access the same types of local services, such as public parks or libraries. It can be Latinos who work at the kinds of businesses that have shared employment or economic concerns.
It is because of the VRA and the “communities of interest” criterion that community members need to get involved, because they are the true experts in the redistricting process. They have the best knowledge about their neighborhoods and how those areas should be kept together during redistricting. They can provide crucial information about Latino experiences with voting and elections in order to safeguard against discrimination during the creation of maps.
It is therefore important that Latino community members learn and become versed in their state’s redistricting process. That includes testifying during the public hearings held by those drawing up the lines.
There’s another reason to get involved: a legal paper trail, just in case. Testimony from Latino community members helps ensure there is a solid record that voting rights advocates can use if they have to sue jurisdictions for VRA violations. Just as Latinos stood up to be counted during the Census, they must now stand up at redistricting hearings and provide input in the process. At the very least, the community can help make sure line drawers follow the law.
There is another important consideration, and it’s not just about showing up and testifying. It’s about Latinos holding the line drawers accountable and making sure they undertake the process in an open and transparent manner. All too often, decisions have been made behind closed doors in backroom deals. An open and participatory redistricting process is one of the best ways to ensure that Latino voices are heard.
The NALEO Educational Fund is working in three regions of the country to connect Latinos to the redistricting process – California, Central Florida and the Las Vegas metropolitan area. We are providing technical assistance throughout the process and mobilizing Latinos to testify and provide information during redistricting hearings. Leading Latino voting rights advocates, such as MALDEF and LatinoJustice PRLDEF, are conducting similar efforts in other regions of the country.
Redistricting occurs once every ten years, and the decisions made this year will determine the political destiny of Latinos for at least the next decade. We can’t afford to be left out of the process.
A special thank you to the NALEO Educational Fund for contributing this Guest Post.
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