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Resolution to Request Senator Ted Cruz and Senator John Cornyn to Support the Immigration Bill

WHEREAS, 84 years ago, the founders of the League of Latin American Citizens, (LULAC) joined together to establish an organization that would become the largest, oldest and successful Hispanic civil rights and service organization in the United States, and

WHEREAS, The State of Texas has a historical tie with immigration. Initially, immigrants came from Spain, Mexico and were followed be immigrants from the United States who came to settle in Texas; and

WHEREAS, Migrations take place for different reasons among which are political, economic and ideological. Our nation attracts immigrants for different reasons among which are economic and political. At present, migrations from Latin American countries into the United States are mostly for Economic reasons; and

WHEREAS, Over the years, individuals and families have lived, worked, served in armed forces of this country and otherwise contributed to the economic and social well being of the nation. Many of these individuals came without complying with the immigration laws in existence at that time. They came, lived, worked and raised families, and had children who are United States citizens. These individuals and families are being torn apart as parts are deported leaving behind children, adolescents and others caught in the web; and

WHEREAS, proposals being considered by the US senate to address this situation would keep families united, allow students to finish their education, and otherwise allow them to contribute to the general well being of the nation. The students pursing higher education will be living and working in the country, earning decent salaries, contributing taxes, and complying with other requirements those good citizens comply with. This is the only country most of those students know. An unfortunate spark in life’s journey placed them in the present predicament- a situation which can be remedied for them and their families-that is presently in the hands of our US senate and congress. Reforming those laws would give legal status to those person who are already here. Strengthening the border would reduce the number of people who come here illegally; and

WHEREAS, The United States was developed by immigrants form Europe and Latin America, and all over the world ; and

WHEREAS, The nation has a strong population with a Hispanic background, with a military history including he highest number of recipents of Congressional Medals of Honor proving courage and loyalty; and

WHEREAS, Both senator Ted Cruz and Senator John Corryn have expressed concerns regarding reforming the present immigration laws

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That LULAC council #12 is requesting these senators to support the bill being considered by a bi-partisan group of US Senators

Approved this 22nd day of June 2013.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President