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Resolution To Immediately Investigate the Death of David Silva

WHEREAS, 84 years ago, the founders of the League of Latin American Citizens, (LULAC) joined together to establish an organization that would become the largest, oldest and successful Hispanic civil rights and service organization in the United States, and

WHEREAS, on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 David Sal Silva, a 33-year old resident of Bakersfield, California sought assistance from local hospital officials , and

WHEREAS, following his being denied care, Mr. Silva walked across the street and fell asleep on a public sidewalk , and

WHEREAS, upon Bakersfield police being called, they proceeded to confront, and allegedly beat Mr. Silva so severely he died from the injuries he suffered , and

WHEREAS, eyewitnesses to the tragic and unprovoked attack videotaped the beating and stated at no time did Mr. Silva do anything to warrant the beating , and

WHEREAS, police confiscated the videos and have refused to explain the reasons for the attack, nor have they taken action to discipline, arrest and/or discharge the officers responsible , and

WHEREAS, the death of Mr. Silva is only the latest incident which denies Latinos in Bakersfield their civil rights at the hands of police,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, California LULAC calls upon the District Attorney of Kern Country and the US Justice Department to immediately investigate the death of David Silva and bring those responsible to justice , and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that California LULAC designate a task force to respond to incidents like these and immediately communicate with local LULAC councils to lend our fill support including going to their community if needed

Approved this 22nd day of June 2013.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President