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Resolution to Encourage States to Designate a State Seal of Biliteracy for Students with Demonstrated High Levels of Proficiency in One or More Languages in Addition to English

WHEREAS, 84 years ago, the founders of the League of Latin American Citizens, (LULAC) joined together to establish an organization that would become the largest, oldest and successful Hispanic civil rights and service organization in the United States, and

WHEREAS, proficiency in multiple languages is critical in enabling effective participation in a global political, social, and economic context and having strong language capabilities is critical to 21st Century national security and economic growth, and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Defense recognizes mission success as directly connected to the ability to communicate effectively with the local populations and international partners, and

WHEREAS, the demand for employees to be fluent in more than one language is increasing in the US and throughout the world, and the benefits to employers in having staff fluent in more than one language enables access to an expanded market and increases ability to serve their customer’s needs, and

WHEREAS, the study of world languages in elementary and secondary schools contributes to student cognitive development, and

WHEREAS, a State seal of biliteracy affixed to high school diplomas or transcripts of graduating students in each school district within our nation would identify and celebrate those who have attained proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English, and

WHEREAS, trailblazers that have issues seals of biliteracy are states of California and New York and some school districts in the State of New Mexico, now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that LULAC promote allocation of adequate funding by each respective state and inclusion in the reauthorization of ESEA of support for effective dual language, heritage, and foreign language study in our schools, and

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that LULAC encourage states to designate a state seal of biliteracy for students with demonstrated high levels of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English, and

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that LULAC encourage State directors to send this resolution to all members in their respective State Legislative Directors, Governors, and Education Commissioners.

Approved this 22nd day of June 2013.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President